Related Links


2021 CDFW Marine Region Year in Review

2020 Ocean Science Trust Annual Report

2020 CDFW Marine Region Year in Review

2019 Caltrans Fish Passage Report to the Legislature (transmitted Jan. 7, 2021)

Coastal Commission’s Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application Guidance for Aquaculture and Marine Restoration 

Dungeness Crab Task Force Legislative Reports 2020 #9, 2019 #8, 2017 #72017 #6, 2016 #5, 2015 #4, 2012 #32010 #2, 2010 #1

Draft California Pacific Herring Fishery Management Plan - August 8, 2019 

   - California Fish and Game Commission transmittal letter for Draft California Pacific Herring Fishery Management Plan

CDFW Marine Region Year in Review: 2016 2017,  2018, 2019, 2020 and 2020 Marine Region By the Numbers2018 Marine Region By the Numbers (PDF)

West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary Reports - NOAA: 2020, 2019, 2018201720162015

Large whale entanglements off the U.S. West Coast 1982-2017 - Final 03-19-21 and Appendix 2

California Ocean Science Trust Progress Report to the Legislature - 2020 Annual Report;  October 2017 through September 2019; 2016-2017 (March 12, 2019) and 2014-2016 (August 6, 2018)

CalTrans Fish Passage Reports to the Legislature: 2008200920102011201220132014201520162017, 2018, 2019 

Fish Passage Status and the State Highway System  (July 2017)

Progress on Achieving the Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision Goals - CDFW Report to the Legislature (October 2017)

2017 State Regulations to Protect Forage Fish per Fish and Game Code Section 7652

2016 California Steelhead Report and Restoration Card Program: 2007-2014 - Report to the Legislature

California Steelhead Report and Restoration Card Program Reports: 1997200020072015, 

2017 CDFW Aquaculture Report to the Legislature

Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas - Final August 2016

2016 California Legislative Fisheries Forum - CDFW Annual Marine Fisheries Report (2015)


California Department of Fish and Wildlife

California Fish and Game Commission


Pacific Fishery Management Council

United States Bureau of Reclamation

United States Fish and Wildlife Service

National Marine Fisheries Service

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission


For information on aquaculture and the Committee's previous aquaculture hearings with related documents and links and hearings

Coastal Commission’s Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application Guidance for Aquaculture and Marine Restoratio

2020 FAO "State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture” report

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Aquaculture

CDFW - Aquaculture Matters

Draft California Commercial Marine Aquaculture Informational Report - March 2020

California Aquaculture Association

NOAA Fisheries Office of Aquaculture

Aquaculture in California - Sea Grant

Cal State Universities Joint Center for Aquaculture

UC Davis Aquaculture Cooperative Extension

Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association Initiatives

California Fisheries and Seafood Institute

Global Aquaculture Alliance

Pathways Toward Responsible Aquaculture in California: Moss Landing Marine Lab - August 10-11, 2018 

Humboldt Bay Shellfish Mariculture Business Survey: Assessing economic conditions and impact - November 2018

U.S. Offshore Aquaculture: Will We Fish or Cut Bait? - Proceedings of 2018 COL Industry Forum

Aligning Stakeholder Communications for U.S. Marine Aquaculture - A report on a forum held at the Aquarium of the Pacific October 4 and 5, 2018

Aquaculture could feed the world and protect the planet - if we get it right

Sustainable Seafood What is Aquaculture 's Role? - video


For information on Dungeness and rock crab, domoic acid, disaster relief and the Committee's previous crab hearings with related documents and links

CDFW Crab information web page

CDFW Whale Safe Fisheries web page  

2020-21 Dungeness Crab Fishery Information - CDFW

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) information

Dungeness Crab Task Force

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Whale Safe Fisheries web site

California Whale Entanglements: Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group

West Coast Entanglement Science Workshop Report Summary - August 25 to September 3, 2020

Large whale entanglements off the U.S. West Coast 1982-2017 - Final 03-19-21 and Appendix 2

West Coast Entanglement Science Workshop

The CA Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project

2014 Crab Gear Retrieval Program Final Report


Klamath River Renewal Corporation and FAQ's

State Water Board Lower Klamath Project Scoping Report webpage

Klamath Fish Health Assessment Team

FERC Order Approving Partial Transfer of License, Lifting Stay of Order Amending License and Denying Motion for Clarification and Motion to Dismiss - July 16, 2020

Record of Decision for the Long-Term Plan to Protect Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River Project

CA WATER LAW SYMPOSIUM: Removing the dams on the Lower Klamath River