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News and info 2021

CDFW Crab information web page

CDFW Whale Safe Fisheries web page - 2020 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary

2020-21 Dungeness Crab Fishery Information - CDFW

2020-2021 Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


2021 News 

California regulator advances historic dam removal project

Poor Klamath River water conditions, deadly parasite, prompts fish hatchery to delay salmon release 

CDFW Successfully Relocates 1.1 Million Hatchery Salmon Until Klamath River Drought Conditions Improve

Western drought leads to major impact on states fish population

One way to save California salmon threatened by drought: Truck them to the mountains and back

Iron Gate Hatchery won't release fish into Klamath River

Monterey Bay fishermen work to reduce chances of whale entanglements

California DFW: 'nearly all' Sacramento River winter chinook salmon juveniles could perish this year

Concerns From Salmon Advocate Group Grow As CDFW Sees Potential ‘Near-Complete Loss Of In-River Juveniles’

Devastating: Officials say ‘nearly all’ young Sacramento River winter Chinook salmon could perish this year

Dire drought warning: California says ‘nearly all’ salmon could die in Sacramento River

SWRCB to Klamath Watershed Residents: Help Maintain Stream Flow this Summer for Threatened and Endangered Fish

How Klamath dam removal helps agriculture

Karuk Tribe calls for water regulations to protect coho salmon

California budget includes final funding for drift gillnet buyout 

Like in 'Postapocalyptic Movies': Heat Wave Killed Marine Wildlife en Masse

From California’s Water Wars to America’s Culture Wars: A Media Analysis of the Delta Smelt Controversy

Additional Relief for the California Fishing Industry: Consolidated Appropriations Act (CARES II) Update

Rescue team races to help entangled humpback whale off Southern California coast  

California prioritizes profits over health of ecosystem. Now, our salmon face extinction

Salmon is an indicator species for California’s water crisis. It’s not looking good 

New fishing limits proposed for Pacific commercial chinook salmon

King me! San Francisco markets welcome first salmon of the season

Will coastal wind farms hurt California fishing industry? ‘We’re basically screwed’

Questions, concerns swirl around fish farm

FERC approves license transfer for Klamath dams in ‘major milestone’ for salmon restoration

FERC Approves License Transfer for Lower Klamath Hydro Project

FERC Approves Transfer Application - Transfer Decision a Major Step toward Dam Removal 

Klamath Trinity spring chinook salmon added to California endangered species list

Final plan for water releases into Sacramento River could kill up to 88% of endangered salmon run’

Yurok Fisheries Department Encounters Major Spike in Dead Juvenile Salmon on the Klamath River

'It's a climate catastrophe': A Northern California river is full of dead salmon

Can we save the San Joaquin’s salmon?

Santa Cruz’s steelhead numbers low in midst of drought, but endangered coho spotted

Public sounds off on Samoa onshore fish farm plans

California’s Salmon Economy And Environment Might Hinge On Trucking Project

California's latest bid to bolster its economy? Releasing 17 million fish into the San Francisco Bay

US "blue economy" contributed nearly USD 400 billion to GDP in 2019

Offshore Wind Farms Show What Biden’s Climate Plan Is Up Against

Low flows prompt restrictions on Scott River

To Free a River: Klamath River tribes are preparing for the biggest dam removal project in the history of the US

Dry Weather Promotes Spread of Disease in Young Klamath Salmon

Scientists saving endangered salmon get help from gene-slicing tool

Complex legal issues swirl in Klamath water debate

The West Can End the Water Wars Now - Klamath River water solution?

Klamath battle lines blur as protests escalate

Marin land trust, shellfish farm preserve 250-acre site  

Ray Hilborn: MPAs aren’t the answer to ocean biodiversity, sustainability efforts

Karuk Tribe declares emergency in Klamath Basin amid catastrophic fish kill

Increased fish kill is a troubling sign

A 'Way of Life at Risk': A Yurok Tribal Member's Congressional Testimony

Conservationists say time running out to save endangered salmon in Sacramento River

California drought enters dangerous territory. What’s ahead for fish, farms and cities

Biden Administration Sees Victory in CA Offshore Wind; Fishermen See Deception

Offshore wind pushes West without fisheries input, stakeholders say 

US West Coast fishermen bristle against newly announced wind farm projects 

Disease Outbreak at Hot Creek Trout Hatchery Halts Fish Planting by Mono County Facility

NOAA Fisheries Releases Key Reports: Status of Stocks 2020 and Fisheries of the United States 2019

Ongoing fish kill on the Klamath River is an ‘absolute worst-case scenario’

‘Ammon Bundy coming soon.’ Federal water cutoffs igniting rebellion in Northern California

Shorter 2021 Recreational Ocean Salmon Seasons Opening in June

Balance pain of drought on farmers and fishermen equitably

Survival of migrating juvenile salmon depends on stream flow thresholds

'The Definition of a Disaster' - Tribes, environmentalists brace for catastrophe on the drought-plagued Klamath

California closing Dungeness season June 1 as humpback whales migrate

CDFW Director Calls For Early Closure to Mediocre Crab Season Statewide due to Presence of Whales

Monterey Bay area affected by shortened crab season  

Northern California crab fleet ordered to end operations by June 1  

CDFW Works With Diverse Stakeholder Group to Manage Entanglement Risk in the Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery - season to close statewide June 1

Lake Shasta is facing its worst season in 44 years. Here’s what that means for those who rely on it

Study: Warm water ‘blob’ put whales on collision course with crab-fishing lines

As water dwindles, catastrophes aplenty for Klamath Basin Tribes, fish, farmers

How a historic drought has left Klamath Basin farmers caught in the middle with no water

Water crisis ‘couldn’t be worse’ on Oregon-California border

Juvenile fish kill, massive disease outbreak puts Klamath salmon on path to extinction

Governor’s California Comeback Plan Includes Significant Increases for Fish and Wildlife 

Fears of a massive salmon die-off this summer in Sacramento River water conflict

Extreme drought conditions force closure of Klamath Project’s “A” Canal - adverse impacts to salmon flows

Salmon Advocates Say Water Injustice Highlighted by Governor's Drought Declaration

Crisis on the Klamath 

Judge rules against Klamath Tribes in lawsuit over sucker fish

2021-5-3 CDFW Letter to SWRCB re Scott River Best Available Scientific Information for Instream Flow Criteria

State ramps up San Francisco Bay hatchery salmon release due to drought

New Web Tool Aims to Reduce Whale Entanglements on the U.S. West Coast

Fish or farmers? Newsom drought declaration would trigger new war over California water

Commercial Dungeness Crab Update 5/3/2021

Fishing limits, choppy weather gets California salmon season off to slow, expensive start

Mt Lassen partners with Aquacraft Brand Portfolio to make push to seafood market 

Nordic pushes forward with onshore farm in Humboldt County

Fish and Wildlife Director Opens Razor Clam Fishery in Del Norte County; Fishery in Humboldt County Remains Closed Due to Public Health Hazard

Ropeless gear bill gets put on hold 

California ropeless gear bill dies without a hearing

Marine experts searching for entangled baby whale spotted on drone video

Hatchery Salmon Releases Scheduled in San Francisco Bay Due to Poor River Conditions

California rivers dry, so baby salmon will be trucked to the Pacific

CDFW Takes Proactive Measures to Increase Salmon Smolt Survival

Trump-era water rules should be reversed

Op-Ed: Newsom promises while the delta dies

We need water in our rivers’: Tribes call for action as salmon numbers dwindle

Severe drought spells catastrophe for California salmon populations

CA Tribal Members and Fishermen Call on Gavin Newsom to Provide Water to Stop Salmon Fish Kills

Klamath water illegally diverted to farming during severe drought

Amid severe drought, Oregon farming region illegally diverts water from the Klamath River

Irrigators take aim at Klamath River flushing flows

Stunning DDT dump site off L.A. coast much bigger than scientists expectedResearch expedition press release and Media briefing 

Monterey Bay Salmon & Trout Project will release 6,000 endangered young coho salmon into wild

‘Everyone Loses’: The Government Is Rationing Water at the California-Oregon Border

Klamath Basin Tribes, conservationists and commercial fishermen call on Biden Administration for extreme drought economic disaster relief

Researchers, robots dive into what makes some bay algal blooms toxic  

Humboldt County Receives Grant to Develop Water Management Plan to Finally Deliver the Trinity River Flow We’re Due

Wildlife Conservation Board grants $574,980 for Trinity River flow plan

Fishermen, Tribes brace for another abysmal salmon season

Yurok Tribe: Klamath River salmon stock conditions dire, fishery canceled for 5th time

How Bad Is It Really to Eat Farm-Raised Salmon?   

Eel River to some, Wiya’t to the tribe that fishes it

Pacific Fishery Management Council sets 2021 West Coast ocean salmon season dates and season description tables

Abalone diving is banned, and work goes on to restore the giant sea snail on California's coast

Tools in the Toolbox Looking for ways to restore and protect the state's beleaguered bull kelp forests and in turn, red abalone stock

Want to support San Diego’s shrinking local commercial fishing industry? Tommy Gomes will show you how

Pacific spiny lobster: After pandemic low-price worries, this season could reach new highs

Scientists grappling with persistent and alarming collapse of North Coast’s bull kelp forests

California crabbers, activists tangle over ropeless gear legislation 

San Mateo County fishermen worried over salmon season

In Hotter Climate, 'Zombie' Urchins Are Winning And Kelp Forests Are Losing

Feds announce allocation of additional $255M in fisheries assistance to states, territories

Large whale entanglements off the U.S. West Coast 1982-2017 - Final 03-19-21 and Appendix 2

Warm water important for cold-water fish like salmon and trout, study finds

West Coast Waters Show Evidence of Improved Productivity in 2020

Stanford economist and others assess aquaculture’s promise and peril

War breaking out between crab fishers and environmentalists over ropeless traps meant to save whales

Preseason Report II:  Proposed Alternatives and  Environmental Assessment Part 2 for 2021 Ocean Salmon Fishery Regulations (Published March 2021)

Commercial Dungeness Crab Update - CDFW

The Yurok Tribe takes decisive action to protect spring salmon

California salmon season delayed and shortened, angering North Bay fishermen

As drought alarms sound, is California prepared?

Feds May Look at Spring-Run Chinook Salmon as Genetically Distinct

Federal funds: Covid relief package has some help for seafood

Dwindling salmon runs shorten this year’s commercial season

Pacific Fishery Management Council releases alternatives for 2021 West Coast ocean salmon fisheries

Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Season Curtailed on Much of the California Coast

Bay Area salmon season is expected to be much shorter this year, bringing higher prices

2020 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary

Critical water year on tap for Klamath Basin

Aquarium Moss Balls Threaten to Spread Invasive Mussels

Invasive mussels in aquarium supplies alarm wildlife managers

Invasive mussels found in pet stores in 21 states (including California)

‘30x30’ will make fisheries management less flexible 

The San Francisco Bay Once Teemed With Oysters. What Happened?

Green-pawed sea otters are saving California’s kelp forests

The collapse of Northern California kelp forests will be hard to reverse

Sustainably Managing California’s Fisheries and Ecosystems During a Pandemic – Marine Region’s 2020 Year in Review and By the Numbers Reports2020 CDFW Marine Region Year in Review

Fight of the River People: The Generational Push That Brought Berkshire Hathaway to the Table and put Dam Removal Back on Track

West Coast Dungeness fishery navigates late start, pandemic

Purple urchin removal program seeks to prove efficacy of culling

OSU researcher leads NOAA-funded project to study West Coast response to ocean acidification                

Preseason Report I:  Stock Abundance Analysis and Environmental Assessment Part 1 for 2021 Ocean Salmon Fishery Regulations (Published March 2021)

Fisheries Biologists Present California's Ocean Salmon Forecast for 2021

Annual CDFW Salmon meeting agenda and information

Genetic markers show Pacific albacore intermingle across equator but remain separate stocks

Private trout farm works with Service, others for conservation

PFMC Review of 2020 Ocean Salmon Fisheries - published February 2021

Researchers demonstrate new method to track genetic diversity of salmon, trout

Herring Fishermen Sue Chevron Over California Oil Leak

Humboldt County crabbers opposed to ropeless gear bill 

Ropeless gear bill introduced in California statehouse

This Year’s Dungeness Crab Fishery a Shell of its Former Self

Innovative fishing gear is being tested to reduce impact on whales and sea turtles 

Wind turbines could be coming to California’s coast

Spiny lobster comes back to San Diego

US West Coast salmon fishermen recorded lackluster 2020 seasons

California water users petition to end proposed Klamath River dam demolition

How’s the Dungeness crab season playing out this year? Word on the dock is grim

CDFW to Host Virtual Public Meeting on Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Marin County endangered salmon runs concern surveyors

Salmon dwindling while SFPUC fiddling

How different genetically are fall-run and spring-run chinook salmon?

Fishful Future envisions a zero-waste supply chain for San Diego 

As Warming Oceans Bring Tough Times to California Crab Fishers, Scientists Say Diversifying is key to survival 

CDFW Seeks Input on 2021 Recreational Pacific Halibut Season Dates

Something was killing baby salmon. Scientists traced it to a food-web mystery 

What will Iron Gate, Copco, JC Boyle reservoirs look like after dam removal? KRRC says it will be beautiful

California’s fish population rebounds thanks to strict fishing rules

Paul Doremus takes over as acting head of NOAA Fisheries after Chris Oliver departs

Five Days Into Dungeness Season, Crescent City Fishermen Continue To Pull Up Empty Crab Pots

Coho return to Noyo tributaries as salmon habitat restoration proceeds

Many Californians Took to the Woods and Waters in 2020

West Coast Gray Whales Declined During Unusual Mortality Event, Similar to Past Fluctuations in Numbers

New Salmon Habitat Created Along the Sacramento River Near Anderson

New Jones Act measure will clarify rules for building offshore wind power

Disappointing Catch Marks Start of Long-Delayed Commercial Dungeness Crab Season

NMFS reports fishing revenue crashed 29 percent in pandemic

U.S. Fishing and Seafood Industries Saw Broad Declines Last Summer Due to COVID-19

Another hurdle cleared, Klamath dams closer to coming down

Crab coming after price settlement         

Endangered Coho Salmon Released into Pescadero Creek

Taylor Shellfish recovery fueled by Asian markets, online sales

'The crabs are really full of meat': SF's crab season opens with promise, says association head

Ocean Acidification is Transforming California Mussel Shells

Aquaculture in California - California Sea Grant

Dungeness crab season can finally get started; fleets, wholesalers agree on price

California commercial crab price strike ends

Dungeness Crab Season to Start This Week, After Fishermen and Seafood Processors Settle Price Negotiations

California Crab Fishermen Reduce Asking Price To $3.10; Representative for Processors Says COVID-19 Effects On Dungeness Market Continue

Delayed Dungeness Crab Season 20/21 ‘Might Be a Write-Off’

Commercial Dungeness crab fishermen reject another offer from processor

Price strike drags on for California crab fleet holding out for better price

Commercial fishing stakeholders optimistic about Biden's pick for Commerce secretary

Biden picks Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo to serve as Commerce secretary

CC Harbor, Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery Explores Potential Chinook Rearing Project Using Net Pens At Port

Trump signs young fishermen's development bill into law

California crabbers hold out over price, organize smooth start to season

Dungeness Crab Fishing Industry Response to Climate Shock

California sues five seafood companies for selling fish containing lead, cadmium without warnings

COVID relief bill includes second round of fishery relief funds

Port of San Diego and California State Coastal Conservancy collaborate to create a native oyster living shoreline

Trump vetoes driftnet bill; Feinstein plans to refile

2021 Studies and Reports

Scientific Guidance for Evaluating California’s Marine Protected Area Network

Climate Resilience and California’s Marine Protected Area Network

Nonlinear survival of imperiled fish informs managed flows in a highly modified river

Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave

Climate shock effects and mediation in fisheries

Indirect genetic control of migration in a salmonid fish 

Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries

2020 News and info 

Latest CDPH domoic acid testing results for Dungeness and rock crab 10-28-2020 and lobster 10-8-2020 

CDFW Crab information web page

CDFW Whale Safe Fisheries web page - 2019 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary 

2020-21 Dungeness Crab Fishery Information - CDFW


2020 News         

Scientists grappling with persistent and alarming collapse of North Coast’s bull kelp forests

Four of Oregon's dams may fail, but for some, their controversy will always stand

COVID-19 has hit commercial fishing hard 

No agreement yet on crab prices

No fresh Dungeness crab for New Year’s Eve as Bay Area fleets push for better prices

No Dungeness crab for Christmas as Bay Area fleets negotiate for higher prices

North Bay crabbers caught in price battle with wholesalers

Dungeness crab could be delayed yet again, this time by price dispute

Record Marine Heatwaves Build Reservoir of Toxic Algae Off the U.S. West Coast, New Study Reveals

Toxic spots: Science reveals a source of crab and clam problems

Does Klamath dam removal even need an extra $45 million?       

California sets Dec. 23 as Dungeness crab opener for commercial fleet

Commercial Dungeness Crab Update - December 11, 2020

Coho salmon deaths linked to chemical found in tires

Tire-related chemical is largely responsible for adult coho salmon deaths in urban streams     

Scientists solve mystery of mass coho salmon deaths. The killer? A chemical from car tires

New research explains why salmon are dying in the Pacific Northwest. The danger lurks in California, too

'Carcass Survey' Helps DWR Learn About Health of Salmon Species

COVID-19 took a bite out of US seafood industry

When Rubber Hits the Road—and Washes Away - potential coho salmon impacts - link to study

Commercial Dungeness Crab Update - Central Management Area delay continues

CDFW Awards $10.7 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration Program Projects

Numbers of fall Chinooks returning to Central Valley rivers are down from last year

Study provides first comprehensive look at COVID’s impact on US seafood industry

US seafood industry flounders due to COVID-19

Update on the Commercial Dungeness Crab Season

Fishermen in Monterey Bay hit with new wave of Dungeness crab season delays

Could kelp help relieve ocean acidification?

Governor Newsom, Oregon Governor Brown, Tribal Leaders and Klamath Dam Owner Announce Agreement to Advance Historic Salmon Restoration Plan - Memorandum of Agreement

Klamath River dams closer to removal after Newsom, Oregon governor sign deal

Why are taxpayers footing Klamath River dam removal cost?

Historic deal revives plan for largest US dam demolition

‘Closer than ever’: New agreement advances Klamath dam removal

The rebirth of a historic river

Thousands Of Coho Salmon Released Into Pescadero Creek In Restoration Project

Malibu Creek project one step closer

Fishing and hunting, long in decline among Californians, rebound during coronavirus

Dungeness crab sport season off to sensational start

California Seaweed Festival - November 16-21, 2020

Judge orders FDA to study dangers of wild release of genetically engineered salmon

CDFW Works with Commercial Dungeness Crab Industry and Environmental Community to Implement New Regulations to Protect Whales from Entanglement

Safeguards for whales delay California’s commercial crab season for second straight year

The Pacific sardine war hits a lull, but the tides are rising  

Fish managers hopeful despite low numbers of fall-run Chinook salmon

NOAA Surveys Covid-19 Impacts on U.S. Fishermen

Salmon study sheds light on why fall-run fish are bigger than their spring-run cousins

Small Genetic Difference Determines Chinook Salmon Migration Timing, New Study Shows

Stolt sells California caviar farm to local rival after 2020 losses pass $11m

Researchers Probe Deaths of Central Valley Chinook, with Possible Ties to Ocean Changes

New Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery Regulations In Effect for 2020-2021 Season

California crabbing rules a concern, North Coast fisherman says

Bay Area Dungeness crab season might not open for Thanksgiving again. Here's why

Changes to crab fishery aim to protect whales from entanglement

California rolls out new Dungeness crab regulations to reduce entanglements 

Local tribes, fishermen, conservationists call on Warren Buffet to undam the Klamath

Day of action planned for Klamath dam removal

700 winter-run Chinook salmon return to Battle Creek

Trout fishing program connects California kids to great outdoors

Addressing the Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Shellfish Aquaculture through Research/Industry Partnerships - funding opportunity

Nordic Aquafarms: Addressing fish farm concerns

Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act introduced to US House of Representatives

Ocean climate bill is a grab bag for marine stakeholders

Marine heat wave ‘blobs’ are becoming more severe as oceans warm

Dungeness crab: Despite shutdowns, Oregon fleet fares well; live market spikes prices to $6.28 per pound 

Bodega Bay tide pools show effects of climate change

Fish predation on a landscape scale in the Delta

No claws for concern: Buy California spiny lobster!

Opinion: Warren Buffett can undam the Klamath  

UC Davis: For Red Abalone, Resisting Ocean Acidification Starts With Mom

'Make Noise,' Yurok Tribe Water Analyst Discusses PacifiCorp's New Stance On Klamath Dam Removal

COVID-19 hits US West Coast fish prices hard, data shows

How worms and a parasite harm salmon on the Klamath River — and how a new data portal may help

USDA Seafood Trade Relief Program - Sign up

Fishing groups applaud Pacific sardine rebuilding plan, Oceana calls it a failure to act

Open-ocean fish farm proposed off San Diego coast could be first in federal waters     

North Coast Kelp Forest Restoration Project Showing Early Evidence of Success

Federal court ruling will affect Monterey Bay anchovy fishery

Huffman to Warren Buffett: 'Do the Right Thing' on Klamath Dams

Lower Klamath River Salmon Quota Met

Offshore yellowtail farm proposed for California coast kicks off regulatory review

Pacific Ocean Aquafarms launching offshore yellowtail farm project in California 

USDA Supports U.S. Seafood Industry Impacted by Retaliatory Tariffs

$530 Million Available to Support U.S. Commercial Fishermen Affected by Tariffs

USDA Seafood Trade Relief Program Frequently Asked Questions

USDA to pay $530 million to fishermen hit by trade wars (includes some per pound calculated losses)

It's algae season on the Klamath River — again

Coming Home to the Klamath - A genetic discovery may help restore chinook salmon to reopening river habitats

West Coast Whale Entanglement Science Workshop

Walbridge fire damages half of prime salmon, steelhead spawning grounds, experts say

Fishery Council Seeks Input on Protecting Prey for Endangered Killer Whales

Pilot Program Supports Local Fishermen and Families in Need

Congress must act to assist commercial fishing

Why everything you’ve heard about ‘ropeless’ crab fishing gear is false 

Hearing highlights stakes in holdup to dam removal project 

Klamath Tribes: No more delays on dam removal         

The Winners, the Losers, and the Landscape That Might Emerge If the Klamath River Dams Disappear

NOAA selects two regions as potential Aquaculture Opportunity Areas 

A Company at a Crossroads: Huffman’s Klamath forum wraps with sharp questioning of power company executive

North Coast reps grill PacifiCorp on Klamath dams removal, tribal chairs stress urgency  

Op-Ed: Warren Buffett can save the Klamath River Basin. Will he?

Democrats to PacifiCorp: Get a move-on with dam removal 

'Monuments to Colonialism:' With Klamath Dam Removal at an Impasse, Huffman Calls Congressional Forum

Livestreamed Committee Event August 18: “Examining the Impact of the Klamath Dams on Tribes, Fisheries, the Environment, and Downstream Stakeholders” - on YouTube

Don’t go in the water: dangerous algal blooms at Iron Gate, Copco reservoirs

Trying to Tame the Klamath River Filled It with Toxic Algae

PacifiCorp must accept responsibility for removing its dams

Nordic Aquafarms Submits Discharge Permit Application for Land-Based Fish Farm on Samoa Peninsula

Inaccurate And Biased Global Media Coverage Is A Threat To Sustainable Shark Conservation

Purple urchin has overrun kelp forests, commercial divers and conservationists have have joined forces to restore the North Coast’s marine ecosystem

Purple urchin removal program begins after COVID delay

California Fisheries Relief Funding Soon to be Available for Select Sectors Affected by COVID-19  

They Tried to Tame the Klamath River. They Filled It With Toxic Algae Instead

Opinion: PacifiCorp should move forward with historic Klamath dams agreement

Newsom asks Warren Buffett to back dam removal, Water Users ask for suspension of ratepayer funding

Gov. Newsom asks Warren Buffett to back removal of Northern California dam 

Warren Buffett controls dams in Northern California. Why Gov. Newsom wants them torn down

NOAA reports indicate U.S. fisheries sustainable, robust economically - Report: NOAA status of the nation's commercial stocks for 2019

Taking stock: Comfish jobs top 1.25 million; two more fisheries rebuilt 

Get to Know Your Seafood from Ocean to Plate

Environmental groups hail passage of drift gillnet bill in US Senate

Pacific Seafoods comes to an agreement with EPA over Clean Water Act violations

California Settles Fight Over Hoarded Dam Water

Commercial Fishing During A Pandemic    

Bacterial Outbreak Forces Euthanization of Fish at Three Southern California Hatcheries

The Pros And Cons Of Expanding United States Offshore Aquaculture In 2020

Beavers Could Be A Key Species For Endangered Salmon Recovery In Oregon    

FERC throws wrench into major dam-removal project

Agency throws curveball in largest U.S. dam demolition plan

PacifiCorp can’t wash its hands of Klamath Dams, FERC rules

Draft California Coastal Commission CDP Application Guidance - Aquaculture and Marine Restoration

Ship Conducting Undersea Surveys Has Messy Conflict With Local Crab Fishermen

Will Your Next Salmon Come from a Massive Land Tank in Florida?

New research to address kelp forest crisis in California

New CDFW Marine Species Portal Provides Easy Access to Wide Variety of Information

Tradex takes spin around North America’s Dungeness crab fisheries

720,000 baby salmon released in Half Moon Bay harbor

New research reveals surprising differences between salmon species — helping consumers decide which ones to serve for dinner

Eureka crab fisherman files cease-and-desist against fiber-optic surveyors

Lights, Camera, Action! California Squid Fishery Takes the Spotlight on the Central Coast

A San Diego Pier-to-Plate Seafood Market Is a Lifeline for Fishermen

Offshore wind: Seven things every fisheries professional needs to know

California crabbing changes draw fire from both sides

Why Spring- and Summer-Run Salmonids are So Damn Interesting and Weird

Dinner from the Dock

CDFW Hatcheries Complete Release of 20 Million Young Salmon

CARES Act Fisheries Relief for California

Crab Command and Control

Bringing Back Kelp

Spring-run Chinook Return to San Joaquin River Despite Low Water Year

“Amazing:” Dozens of massive blue whales spotted off Northern California coast  

As blue whales feast around Farallon Islands, Coast Guard asks ships to go slow

Coronavirus Fears in China Find a New Target: Salmon

Pandemic Sets Back Abalone Restoration Effort in California

China’s CDC Says No Proof Salmon Was Covid-19 Host in Beijing Outbreak

Seafood industry moves to quash rumors of Beijing’s COVID-19 spike being linked to salmon 

China unlikely to consider lowering of lobster tariffs, despite Trump's threat

Inseason Adjustments to Pacific Coast Groundfish Commercial Fisheries

SF Pledges a Million Dollars to Crab Fishermen Following Devastating Wharf Fire

Fisherman's Wharf Crabbers To Receive Financial Assistance      

FAO releases latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report

FAO Addendum - Summary of the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector

Fifteen global shipping companies slowed cargo ships off California coast to protect blue whales and blue skies

Catch of Swordfish Takes Off as Southern California Anglers Embrace New Technique

Trump vows to escalate lobster trade war with EU, Canada, China

Wildlife agency planning new rules for crab fishing to prevent whale and sea turtle entanglements

West Marin barrier to endangered fish spawning to be removed  

San Francisco fleet faces huge setback in wharf fire

How We Broke It podcast: What went wrong for Catalina Sea Ranch

Is coronavirus pandemic giving aquaculture a jump start?  

Wharf fire in San Francisco causes millions in damages, gear losses

Fisherman’s Wharf Warehouse Fire Destroyed Fishing Traps, Threatening Dungeness Crab Season

Wait, So How Much of the Ocean Is Actually Fished?

Fishing Gear Ensnares 40-Foot Humpback Whale In Monterey Bay

Team Frees Severely Entangled Humpback Whale in Monterey Bay

California salmon kicks off with good price, slow returns

Spring-run Chinook salmon - essential to life history diversity

New rules for California Dungeness crab fleet seek fewer whale entanglements

San Diego Seafood Industry Flounders Under Coronavirus, But Fishing Community Finding Ways To Stay Afloat

Squid fishing season is off to a good start in Monterey Bay, after a dismal 2019

Did sea farm debacle sink California aquaculture?

Strained mussels: Causes of the first US offshore farm’s demise are up for debate

Butano Creek Restoration Reopens Habitat for Salmon in California

Federal Judge’s Order Protects California Trout 

Local coalition advances plan for Potter Valley Project that includes removal of Scott Dam

Saving the future of the herring fishery

Start of salmon season gives hope to fishing industry crushed by COVID-19 

Red Tide Bulletin: Spring 2020

Sport anglers can access Sonoma Coast to fish, Sonoma County health officer says

North Coast crab value down, salmon fishing banned

Seafood industry applauds Trump’s new executive order, while some groups cry foul

Commerce Secretary Announces Allocation of $300 Million in CARES Act Funding 

Trump issues executive order promoting US seafood; Stimulus funding released 

Federal funds: Commerce set to announce allocation rules for $300 million in fisheries assistance 

How do salmon always find their way home? Study reveals a remarkable GPS embedded in their skin

Fishermen, farmers suffering from food supply disruptions concerned for what's to come 

Fishermen, seafood businesses call for $1.5 billion federal covid-19 aid

A Quarantine Surprise: Americans Are Cooking More Seafood

Webinar takes a deep dive into the state of salmon and steelhead, and provides recommendations for resiliency

Monterey Bay: Squid are back in abundance 

West Coast Salmon, Sardine Fisheries to Receive $18 million in NMFS Disaster Funding

Finding Floating Forests: It Takes an Online Village to Map Massive Kelp

California’s critical kelp forests are disappearing in a warming world. Can they be saved?

Monterey Bay fishermen looking forward to salmon season

Bay Area fishermen expect huge wild salmon season, which begins Friday

As meat plants idle, California has no shortage of fish, dairy

California spiny lobster takes double hit from China market 

Nordic Aquafarms to expand Samoa site, add 50 more jobs  

Nordic Aquafarms Expands Aquaculture Facility Plans, Releases Images Showing What the Fish Farm Would Look Like

Grand compromise on California water wars in disarray. Newsom faces multiple lawsuits this week

Lawmakers question status of USD 300 million fisheries aid

May 1 Recreational Ocean Fishery Openings to Proceed as Planned, Anglers Reminded to Strictly Follow State and Local Health Guidelines

NOAA Aquaculture News Spring Newsletter

The Extinction Crisis Devastating San Francisco Bay

With many restaurants closed, North Coast fishermen worry about pricing when California salmon season opens May 1

North Coast fishermen worry about pricing when California salmon season opens May 1

San Francisco Herring Association Distributes Over $1.7 Million to Permanently Retire Herring Permits

Controversy descends on Pacific sardine fishery over stock surveys 

A San Francisco fishing company that supplies some of the city's most upscale restaurants pivoted to direct-to-consumer, delivering fish to people's homes to stay afloat

Massachusetts, Alaska lawmakers up COVID relief ante, to request $20bn for US fisheries

Senators Markey and Warren, and Reps. Moulton and Keating Demand Immediate Guidance for Fisheries Disaster Assistance Funding During Coronavirus Emergency

US harvesters press NOAA for CARES Act details, distribution of $300m

Stimulus update: Cashed out 

California’s Dungeness crab season ended early to protect migrating whales

California closes Dungeness crab fishery early 

'Dubious whale crisis' is driving Dungeness closure, California crab association says

CDFW Director to Allow Commercial Dungeness Crab Season South of Sonoma/Mendocino County Line to Continue Until May 15, Then Close to Protect Whales

After Coordination with Local Government, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Delays Trout Season Openers in Three Counties

CA WATER LAW SYMPOSIUM: Removing the dams on the Lower Klamath River

Reclamation to implement Klamath River flushing flow for salmon health

California Dam Operators Can’t Dodge Fish-Endangerment Claims

CDFW Marine Region’s 2019 Year in Review Now Available

Salmon Seasons Adopted for the California Coast

Preseason Report III:  PFMC Adopted Management Measures and  Environmental Assessment Part 3 for 2020 Ocean Salmon Fishery Regulations 

Eat Seafood America

Coronavirus: Seafood Industry Comes to 'Screeching Halt,' But Some Businesses Adapting

West Coast fishing communities’ vulnerability to climate change assessed in new study 

NMFS suspends West Coast observer requirements   

Dungeness Crab Commercial Season Update

California Fish and Game Commission Meets Remotely, Allows CDFW to Temporarily Delay, Restrict or Suspend Fisheries Where Needed to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

Trout in doubt: Coronavirus could delay California’s fishing season

Aquaculture Matters COVID-19 Updates page and links

NOAA Fisheries Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Community-supported fisheries rush to pivot models as coronavirus cuts off restaurant clients 

Stimulus funding process proving tricky to navigate for smaller seafood operators

Coronavirus concerns play out in fisheries         

Add seafood to your shelter-in-place menu and help our seafood industry weather the COVID-19 pandemic storm

PFMC Press release: West Coast salmon season dates set for 2020

Angry California anglers disrupt sportfishing ban meeting     

State telemeeting about California fishing ban erupts into chaos. ‘Make fishing great again!’

California Fish and Game Commission Emergency Meeting Will be Rescheduled for Next Week

Reps. Huffman, Case, Cunningham, Graves Advocate for Fisheries Relief in Bipartisan Letter

NOAA Fisheries Analysis Shows West Coast Fisheries Take Small Proportion Of Available Chinook For Southern Resident Killer Whales

West Coast Salmon Fishing and Southern Residents: Part 1

West Coast Salmon Fishing and Southern Residents: Part 2

Commercial fishing industry in free fall as restaurants close, consumers hunker down and vessels tie up

Struggles of California fishermen intensified by coronavirus  

Whale strandings may be sign of recovery

California poised to ban sportfishing in some areas. Rural towns worried about coronavirus spread

Ocean Salmon Season Delayed; Crab Fishery Remains Open

COVID-19 Response and Aid Information via Saving Seafood 

Introduction to Starting and Operating a Seafood Direct Marketing Business

Coronavirus upends San Francisco's fishing industry

The Trump Plan to Decimate California's Salmon

Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery Update: Entanglement Risk Low, Fishery to Remain Open

Delay in California’s 2020 Recreational Ocean Salmon Opener

Coronavirus-related closures impacting US fisheries, driving down prices

Cash on the line: Federal funds for fishermen and fishing communities

Whales are dying, but numbers are unknown. Coronavirus has stalled scientific fieldwork

West Coast fishermen seek new market to weather coronavirus storm

Stimulus includes $300 million for fisheries and aquaculture

USD 300 million in aid earmarked for seafood industry in US stimulus package 

US coronavirus bill heads back to House with $300m for harvesters, aquaculture

US seafood industry hopes for help from USD 2 trillion stimulus package

Economics Of Coronavirus Slam California’s Commercial Fishermen, Including In San Diego

Commercial Fishermen Struggle To Survive In The Face Of Coronavirus

Coronavirus Restaurant Closures Upend Oregon Seafood Industry

Understanding Ocean Changes and Climate Just Got Harder

WDFW closes recreational fishing statewide in wake of governor’s order to ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ COVID-19 response

Humboldt Bay crab fishing season ‘devastated’ by COVID-19

U.S. Commercial Fishing Interests Describe COVID-19 Challenges; List Top Federal Aid Assistance Proposals

Collaboration, “Buy American” efforts emerging from COVID-19 crisis 

Network Listens for Passing Salmon

Fish farmers advance aquaculture design

Environmental groups urge Americans to eat more fish while hunkering down against virus

Fishermen return from sea with big catch, no place to sell

CDFW’s Salmon Evacuation Decision Pays Exceptional Dividends

Where have all the Herring Gone?

There are ways to get the 2020 salmon season off to a good start

Retail seafood sales soar, but fresh seafood counters closing across US

Scientists say decades are needed to rebuild California’s abalone collapsed fishery

Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery Update: Entanglement Risk Low, Fishery to Remain Open

Meeting Change: Webinar to Provide Overview of Commercial Regulation Changes to Help Minimize Marine Life Entanglement

China air cargo capacity cuts pinch US crab exports

Nordic’s fish farm plans begin to take shape

Lawsuit threatened over ship strikes on whales near California ports

'Critical Juncture' - A race against time to save the North Coast's bull kelp forests

West Coast Dungeness Crab Stable or Increasing Even With Intensive Harvest, Research Shows

Klamath Dam Removal on Track as KRRC Submits Critical Budget Information to FERC and Q&A

Maximum price set for removing Klamath River dams

2018 Caltrans Fish Passage Report to the Legislature (new as of 2/27/2020)

Secretary of Commerce allocates $65 million for fishery disasters 

California estimates fewer salmon in Klamath River this year, worrying Yurok Tribe

Spinal Deformities in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Fish Linked to Toxic Mineral Selenium, New Research Shows

Fisheries Biologists Present California’s Ocean Salmon Forecast for 2020

PFMC Salmon management documents

2020 PFMC Salmon Preaseason Report Stock Abundance Analysis and Environmental Assessment

Fisheries of the United States, 2018 - NOAA release

‘Environmental DNA’ Lets Scientists Probe Underwater Life

Deal emerges to bring 1st offshore wind farms to Calif.

Notice of Availability of Outreach on Additional Considerations for Offshore Wind off the Central Coast of California

Research Suggests Aquaculture Potential Of A West Coast Fish: Veggie-Loving Monkeyface Prickleback

Large whale entanglements off the U.S. West Coast, from 1982-2017 and Appendix 2

Feared return of ‘The Blob’ fizzles as storms churn, chill Pacific Ocean  

Fishing the North Coast: Fall Klamath king returns fell short in 2019

CDFW to Host Public Meeting on Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Klamath River Basin Fall Chinook Salmon Spawner Escapement - Mega Table 1978-2019

PFMC Review of 2019 Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Study: Tiny sea stars vanishing from San Francisco Bay coasts

Salmon Cannon company presents in Siskiyou

Tradex: US Dungeness crab harvesters keep pace despite delays, bad weather

After 2017 Lawsuit, Fewer Whales Entangled As Crab Fishers Face Financial Struggle

Humboldt Bay a refuge from ocean acidification, but for how long?

Norwegian consul tours county; Nordic Aquafarms hires new local exec

First month of Dungeness crabbing disappointing, Quality and size is ‘really, really good’         

DNA tests show commercial halibut catch 90% female, influencing catch limits being set this week

UC Davis research tests feasibility of sea urchin ranching as method of combating kelp forest decline

Gov. Newsom: California must get past differences on water. Voluntary agreements are the path forward

California governor proposes new plan for managing water

Dungeness crab season winding down for most, despite late start

California Sea Cucumber Fishery: A Collaborative Project - video

What’s tangling up the humpback whales? A food chain snarled by climate change - link to the study: Habitat compression and ecosystem shifts as potential links between marine heatwave and record whale entanglements

“Blob” Research Reveals Environmental Effects That Shut Down Fishing and Hiked Whale Entanglements - NOAA release

(Klamath) Dam removal draws closer

US West Coast rockfish recovery hailed as success story 

Predator fish that anglers love faces uncertain future in California water wars

Ocean acidification is damaging the shells of Dungeness crab - link to study: Exoskeleton dissolution with mechanoreceptor damage in larval Dungeness crab related to severity of present-day ocean acidification vertical gradients

Investigation of West Coast Gray Whale Strandings Continues as Whales Head South for the Winter

100,000-gallon red wine spill stains California creek bank. But what about the fish?

Newsom pledged to fix California water politics. Now he’s bogged down in the delta

Gov. Newsom needs to stand up to the Trump administration on the Delta

Terra-Gen Critics Said We Should Wait for Offshore Wind, But Will That Project Spark an Even Nastier Debate?

Weed and water woes in the legendary Emerald Triangle - Dried up streams and dying fish are putting the top cannabis-producing region in the country under the microscope

Disappointing numbers for annual coho salmon run in western Marin County

Sometimes Nature Needs A Little TLC, The ‘Kelp Lady’ Is Here To Help 

Offshore wind energy watchdogs expanding to West Coast   

NTSB: Sleep deprivation, ‘derby-style fishing’ before California crabber grounded

Fish populations are thriving in areas with intense management, global study finds 

Potential regulations for sport Dungeness crab fishery subject of Saturday meeting in Sausalito

California's Salmon Barely Survived the 20th Century, (But Will They Vanish Before the Next One?) 

Herring fishing group can sue over a federal ban in S.F. Bay, appeals court says

New bill by Rep. Jared Huffman seeks to accelerate federal disaster aid to fishing communities

West Coast fishery rebounds in rare conservation 'home run'

Funding for bull kelp restoration studies expected in 2020

Pacific Fishery Management Council Schedule for Developing 2020 Ocean Salmon Fishery Management Measures

Nordic Aquafarms pressing ahead on Samoa Peninsula plans

Fisherman charged for illegal crabbing in Half Moon Bay

Crab season: Late start and now catch is a bit off

Nordic Aquafarms Hires Idaho Native as First Cali-Based Exec, Signs Contracts for Permitting, Engineering

Drones fisheries enforcement potential remains untapped, even as projects advance


2020 Studies and Reports

A ubiquitous tire rubber-derives chemical induces acute mortality in coho salmon 

Early effects of COVID‐19 on US fisheries and seafood consumption

A synthesis of the coast-wide decline in survival of West Coast Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Salmonidae)

Reconsidering the Estimation of Salmon Mortality Caused by the State and Federal Water Export Facilities in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, San Francisco Estuary

Investigation of the nutritional composition of different types of salmon available to Canadian consumers

Connecting Crabs, Currents, and Coastal Communities: Examining the Impacts of Changing Ocean Conditions on the Distribution of U.S. West Coast Dungeness Crab Commercial Catch

Cascading social-ecological costs and benefits triggered by a recovering keystone predator

FAO "State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture” 2020 report

Magnetoreception in fishes: the effect of magnetic pulses on orientation of juvenile Pacific salmon

Study reveals hidden risks of estuary development for young salmon and Changing estuaries and impacts on juvenile salmon: A systematic review, Global Change Biology (2020)

Limitations of active removal to manage predatory fish populations - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Habitat compression and ecosystem shifts as potential links between marine heatwave and record whale entanglements

Exoskeleton dissolution with mechanoreceptor damage in larval Dungeness crab related to severity of present-day ocean acidification vertical gradients

2019 News and Info

Latest CDPH domoic acid testing results for Dungeness and rock crab 12-9-2019 and lobster 9-12-2019 

Tri-State Dec. 16-17 crab quality/meat recovery test results

CDFW Crab information web page

CDFW Whale Safe Fisheries web page - 2018 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary and Summary Report in pdf


Kelp! They Need Somebody … To Eat Sea Urchins

Dungeness crab seasons to open all over US Northwest on New Year’s Eve

Central Valley Salmon Hatchery Release Strategies 2019 - Some Good, Some Bad – Some Lessons Not Learned

Good Numbers of Salmon and Steelhead Return Again to Mokelumne River

Halibut in steady decline throughout Pacific, says commission

Labeling concerns arise as plant-based seafood analog market soars 

Hallelujah!! Dungie Season is Starting Tomorrow and You May Soon be Able to Fill Your Bellies with Locally Caught Crab

Dungeness crabbing season finally open

Dungeness crab delivered to Sonoma County ahead of New Year’s Eve

Crab fishermen hope new season won’t have same roadblocks

Lab-grown fish just got real. San Diego startup shows off first slaughter-free yellowtail     

Northern Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Will Open Dec. 31

2019-2020 Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery - Frequently Asked Questions

Dungeness crab seasons to open all over US Northwest on New Year’s Eve

Column: A California dilemma: Save the whales or eat the crabs?   

Crab season gets crackin’ for Sonoma

Fishing fight on the Klamath  

Young salmon get a new home near Sacramento River

Rare 7-year-old Chinook Salmon Caught in California Ocean Salmon Fishery

Putah Creek salmon numbers way down after Yolo Bypass pump failure

Mokelumne River salmon come back in big numbers

UW/NOAA Study Indicates Resident Orcas’ Preference For Large Chinook A Reason For Decline Of The Bigger Fish

Rep. Huffman, Pacific Coast Members Announce Major Win for Trawlers in Year-End Spending Bill

Entangled Whale Freed As Commercial Crab Fishing Season Gets Underway    

Rescuers free entangled humpback whale off Monterey coast

Restoration of a San Mateo County Creek Reopens a Gateway for Endangered Salmon

What's Behind the Decline of the West Coast's Herring? 

Major push to save Muir Woods salmon run includes creek, habitat work

Dungeness season underway for Bay Area crabbers

Commercial Dungeness crab season gets cracking after delay

Dungeness crab fleet readies for opener as weather hampers season start for some

Crab season set to finally open Sunday

Another delay for California, Oregon commercial crabbing

Waiting Game - Gear ready, the North Coast's commercial crab fleet is on hold

Dungeness Crab Fishery Updates: Pending Commercial Opening in Central Fishery, Health Advisory Update to Recreational Fishery, and Additional Northern Commercial Quality Delay

2019-12-10 Senator McGuire issues statement on Dungeness crab season opener

Trinity River Under Siege

Endangered Winter-run Chinook Salmon Increase with Millions of Offspring Headed to Sea

California Urged to Rethink 40 Years of ‘Piecemeal’ Freshwater Protections

Securing SoCal Water to Benefit NorCal Salmon

Salmon Lose Diversity in Managed Rivers, Reducing Resilience to Environmental Change

The secret Richmond lab where Bay Area crab season annually learns its fate

What Happened to Commercial Crab Season?

Sea urchin ranching to be expanded to semi-commercial scale

New Crab Pot Could Help Reduce Whale Entanglements

CDFW Director Delays Commercial Dungeness Crab Season South of Sonoma/Mendocino County Line

Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted in Parts of Marin County

Commercial Dungeness crab season officially delayed until Dec. 15

Official start of crab season delayed due to marine life entanglement risk

Bodega Bay crabbers delay Friday opener to avoid whales   

California agrees with crabbers to postpone Dungeness season in bid to safeguard whales and fishing fleet

Commercial Dungeness crab season likely to be delayed until Dec. 15

Dungeness Crab Commercial Season Update (Mendocino/Sonoma county line south) - Delayed until at least Dec. 15, 2019

Bodega Bay crab fleet to sit out Dungeness opener to avoid whales, urging other ports to do same

Crab season’s delay causing instability

Fishy Fortune Teller: Improving Salmon Abundance Forecasting

Bottom-trawling fishing severely restricted off West Coast starting in January

Rebound in Groundfish Leads to New Flexibility for Fishermen, Protection for Deep-Sea Corals

CDFW Announces Quality Delay for Commercial Dungeness Crab in Northern Fishery, and Important Updates to Pending Opening in Central Fishery

2019-2020 Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery - Frequently Asked Questions

Court tosses farmers' takings claim in Klamath battle

Nordic Aquafarms to pursue permits

Can the long-lost abalone make a comeback in California?

Feather River Fish Hatchery meets salmon harvest goal; 12 million chinook eggs collected

Lab-raised white abalone to be released to secret location by team from Long Beach aquarium

Urchin rancher secures California site, plans harvest by 2020

Marine Heatwave in the Pacific Shrinks from “Blob” in Size, Retreats Farther Offshore

Fish 2.0’s Global Innovators Forum honors cutting-edge developments, from robotic fish to barley-based feed 

Saving Salmon - Will overhauling Scott Dam save native fish?

A new solution to California’s sea urchin problem: Ranch them and eat them

Restoring a San Mateo County creek to keep new generations of fish thriving

Trump Administration Plan Allows Delta Water Managers to Kill Off Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

Dungeness crab fishing season delayed due to whale and sea turtle entanglement risk  

Dungeness fleet thankful for Nov. 22 start

CDFW Director Issues Declaration to Delay Commercial Dungeness Crab Season South of Mendocino/Sonoma County Line

Shellfish Safety Notification: Consumers Warned not to eat the Viscera of Dungeness Crab - CDPH notice

CDFW Director Issues Preliminary Determination to Delay Commercial Dungeness Crab Season South of Mendocino/Sonoma County Line

Sport Crab Season Starts Saturday; Commercial Season Delayed

Dungeness commercial crab season likely to be delayed over risks to whales

California commercial Dungeness crab season may be delayed

California Recreational Dungeness Crab Season Opens Nov. 2

Warning accompanies opening of recreational crab season         

California preliminarily delays opening of Dungeness crab season by eight days

California Crab Season Delayed to Nov. 23 to Protect Whales From Entanglement - CBD release

Nordic Aquafarms’ board gives green light for California RAS project

Board gives Nordic Aquafarms the OK for facility on Samoa peninsula

Will Humboldt Bay get a fish farm? Executives to announce on Friday  

Agencies dismiss concerns about Trump's Calif. water plan

Scripps Institution of Oceanography gets $4.9M grant to find cause of deadly algae blooms     

Coleman National Fish Hatchery gets closer to wrapping up salmon spawning operations

Drones, Algae and Fish Ears: What We’re Learning Before the World’s Largest Dam-removal Project — and What We Could Miss

Whale stranded off Samoa Beach entangled in fishing lines, buoys 

Climate havoc wipes out coastal kelp as S.F. Bay’s native fish species die off

The California Current Marine Heatwave Tracker – An experimental tool for tracking marine heatwaves

Notorious warm water 'Blob' in Pacific weakening, but will that save fish and ecosystems?

Trump team weakens endangered species protections for California salmon and delta smelt

A new approach for managing California’s water and improving the environment

Nature up close: The pros and cons of introducing non-native fish species

Steelhead Legal Battle Expands to Santa Maria

Yurok Tribe’s Connection to Klamath River Weakens as Ecosystem Declines

Marin salmon run expected to dwindle this year  

Purple sea urchins plague California, Oregon coasts 

Massive California Kelp Decline Linked to Ocean Heat, Voracious Sea Urchins

California's crashing kelp forest

Environmental Disaster Continues to Decimate Bull Kelp Forests and Red Abalone Populations in Northern California

Sonoma-Mendocino Bull Kelp Recovery Plan

Scientists and sport fishers team up to gather data on fisheries

Huffman files bill to protect, bolster salmon rivers

Sides battle over Monterey Bay’s anchovy population 

Huffman Gets Bleak Input on Fisheries 

Sea Grant research to inform the future of sustainable marine aquaculture

Chinook Salmon Flocking to Revitalized San Joaquin River

Part 1: West Coast Fisheries "Comeback of the Century"

Part 2: Devastating Collapse Forces More Sustainable Future

Part 3: Rebuilding the Markets to Match the Fisheries

The Fall and Rise of the West Coast Groundfish Fishery

Ninth Circuit Orders Feds to Reexamine Army Corps’ Harm to Native Fish     

AquaBounty planning to label GM salmon in the US 

Acting Governor Atkins (And First Dog Joey) Announce Plans - officially proclaiming Tuna Harbor Dockside Market Day

Upcoming Regulation Changes for Commercial Dungeness Crab and Other Trap Fisheries - CDFW

Reducing the Risk of Marine Life Entanglement - CDFW

Surveys Document How Marine Heatwave – The Blob—Led To Boom In West Coast Rockfish

Urchin Matters

A Push To Protect Oregon Spring Chinook Salmon Gets A Boost From Genetic Science

CHASING A MEMORY In California, orcas and salmon have become so scarce people have forgotten what once was. Will the Northwest be next?

Looking Back at The Blob: Record Warming Drives Unprecedented Ocean Change

The oceans are taking a beating under climate change, U.N. report warns

A look at the Klamath River and those who depend on it

Scientists assess waters off San Francisco and fear a climatic intruder

Tribe Gives Personhood To Klamath River

Fishery disaster declared for Mendocino Coast red sea urchin divers, processors

Wilbur Ross approves fishery disaster declarations (CA red sea urchin/Pacific sardine/Yurok Tribe fall Chinook) as key senator calls for changes to process

Congressman Jared Huffman to Host a Roundtable Discussion on Fisheries Management in Arcata Next Week 

CDFW Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery Updates

2019-9-17 Governor Newsom Appointments - Senator Mike McGuire reappointment to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

Tire Melt in Salmon Stream?

A rare, threatened trout species makes return to native habitat after nearly 100 years

Trump administration threatens jail time for California officials over river project

Cowcod Stock South of 40° 10 ’ N lat. Successfully Rebuilt

Scientists tracking warm water reminiscent of the “Blob” in Northeast Pacific and impacts from climate change

Ōra King salmon likened in luxury to Wagyu beef in recent Bloomberg report 

Whale entanglements reduced by half this season, but reason why is debated

Move Over Fake Meat, It’s Time for Veggie Seafood

Review of The Pacific Warm Blob Sequel: Not Yet a Phenomena like the Original

Saving California's Kelp Forest May Depend On Eating Purple Sea Urchins

Three new viruses found infecting wild, farmed salmon in British Columbia

On seafloor, sea urchins trump abalone

Heat wave across expanse of Pacific Ocean surface stokes concerns for sea life

The ‘Blob’ is back: New marine heat wave emerges off West Coast

Conservation group claims early end to crab season helped reduce whale entanglements off California shores

California crab fishermen are testing “ropeless” gear to save whales—and themselves

West Coast Whale Entanglements Drop After Legal Settlement with California, Crab Fishery - CBD release

New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations

Groups Work to Restore Fish Populations, California Farm Bureau Federation Reports

Following the salmon to central California         

Despite Strong Harvest To The South, Commercial Salmon Season Slow In Calif. Klamath Management Zone

Mike McGuire appointed to fisheries commission by California governor

Seaweed 'forests' can help fight climate change

Seaweed farming as a versatile tool in effort to mitigate climate change

Beaver reintroduction key to solving freshwater biodiversity crisis

Salmon predation in the Delta - Study results suggest removing predators won’t address the problem, but removing submerged aquatic vegetation might

Colder waters off West Coast mark end of “the blob”

Final 2018 California Commercial Landings Reports Now Available - Reports

Off the hook: California king salmon rebounds after drought

California sails toward biggest salmon harvest in years

California's disappearing sea snails carry a grim climate warning

The crash of the kelp forest         

An Alaskan Voyage to Track Ocean Acidification

Oregon Study Shows How Increasing Abundance Of ESA-Listed Salmon Can Translate Into A Dollar Value, Deliver Economic Benefits

New maps show how little is left of West Coast estuaries

California sound system tries to keep whales and ships apart

Cost, timeline for removing Klamath River dams updated

Do Salmon Make Decisions as a Group?

CDFW 2018 Marine Region Year in Review (PDF) and 2018 Marine Region By the Numbers (PDF)

Tomales Bay cleanup permit approved by state regulators

UC Davis study shows effects of climate change on oyster farming  

Oysters in peril as warming climate alters the water in their habitats

Study: Tomales Bay oyster habitat pinched by climate change  

Climate Change Could Shrink Oyster Habitat in California

Research cruise off California finds it’s a slow summer for biological productivity

‘Protection for the entire river’: Yurok, fishermen sue to save Klamath salmon  

KRRC submits response to Klamath dam removal questions

2018 NOAA Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries info and  Status of Stocks 2018 report (PDF, 12 pages).

A Deep Dive into the San Diego Fishing Industry

At a California oyster hatchery, farming native seaweed improved water quality

NOAA Using Futuristic Sailing Drones to Study Fish Populations Along the North Coast

North Coast crabbers among those expected to get $26 million in federal disaster aid

California coasts recovering, but more marine heatwaves like ‘The Blob’ expected 

California’s Disappearing Kelp Forests: What Scientists and Divers can do to Reverse this Trend

Coleman Hatchery expresses optimism for future fish returns

Some Pacific salmon populations are especially at risk from climate change

Hyde-Smith proposes permanent disaster relief fund for fishing industry

Departmental Rulemaking: Standardized Commercial Trap Marking Program

New Yolo Bypass Fish Passage Project Approved: Migration Corridor to Protect Endangered Fish

The Legacy of the Blob

US groundfish fishery returning to its former glory, stakeholders say

Trump Administration Agrees to Revisit Ocean Salmon Fishing Impact on Endangered West Coast Orcas

Morro Bay lost 90% of its eelgrass. Here’s how scientists are trying to save the key plant

First Reintroduced Salmon Return to California Rivers in a Critical Step Towards Recovery

North Coast mussel die-off an alarming sign of warming world’s threat to marine life

California company nurtures interest in seaweed aquaculture

Combating urchin barrens with aquaculture

The Sounds of Science: Acoustic tags reveal Dungeness crab range – and some interesting visitors

Humboldt Baykeeper gets $40K to test more North Coast fish for mercury

Why are so many whales washing up on West Coast beaches?

2018 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary and Summary Report in pdf

46 whales were confirmed entangled in 2018, trending up from the year before

To Save the Whales, Crab Fishers Are Testing Ropeless Gear

New study maps how ocean currents connect the world’s fisheries

Oceana takes NOAA Fisheries to court again over northern California anchovy fishery

FAIRR report IDs 10 biggest threats to aquaculture sector

Ventura Harbor dock replacement brings commercial fishing, jettisons recreational boats

As the oceans acidify, these oyster farmers are fighting back

California Is Overflowing With Salmon, Boosting Coastal Towns

California fishermen report the biggest salmon season in a decade

Restaurants could be 1st to get genetically modified salmon

Rice fields provide protected habitat for young salmon

CDFW Documents Statewide Impact of Recent Drought on Fish and Aquatic Species

CDFW to Hold Public Hearing on Proposed Dungeness Crab Trap Gear Retrieval Program

West Coast swordfish landings hit slight dip in 2018 

Why Everybody Is So Excited About 23 Salmon

NOAA Fisheries Adopts New Plan for West Coast Ecosystem Science and Management

Summer steelhead considered for protection under state Endangered Species Act

Annual Trout Fest to Make a Splash at Hot Creek Hatchery

A Fight Between Humboldt Stakeholders Over the Klamath Dams is Impacting Environmental Protections Across the Country

To save Klamath River salmon, shut down the hatcheries

West Coast Rockfish Rebound Faster Than Expected 

California Salmon Economics – The 2016 Season

North State Trout Stocking Schedule Changed to Reduce Potential Impacts to Cascades Frog

Hatchery-Born Coho Salmon Are Helping Save the Species From Extinction in the Russian River

California Wetfish Producers Association Recognizes Ocean Week With Video on the Latest in Sardine, Anchovy Science

Commercial salmon season starts in Crescent City

Environmental groups file federal suit to stop California longline fishery 

Keep eating fish; it’s the best way to feed the world

Heads up, salmon lovers: Epic catch brings tons of fresh fish to the Central Coast

State killed thousands of salmon, anglers report. Now the Trump administration wants answers.

Feature: Dungie deal   

Killers and kings: West Coast group intervenes in orca lawsuit

Commercial Rock Crab Fishery Opens from Cape Mendocino to Humboldt Bay

2019 Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event Along the West Coast - NOAA

Dozens of West Coast gray whale deaths prompt federal investigation

Lawsuit Launched to Protect Endangered California Salmon Harmed by Federal Beaver-killing

Crab checks: Dungeness disaster funds deadline is July 31   

180,000 salmon get a head start on their voyage to the ocean as scientists hope to improve survival 

Ships coming to Bay Area slowing down to avoid hitting, killing whales

After 25 years winter-run salmon return to Battle Creek

Fed up shrimpers may look to state for oversight

Inland Salmon Seasons Approved at Fish and Game Commission Meeting

After Klamath River flushes, C. shasta spores spike, surprising scientists 

CA Water Commission: Feather River Fish Hatchery     

West Coast rockfish population rebuild project a success, NOAA says 

King salmon arrives in stores, commanding royal prices; relief could come soon

US producer Sterling Caviar differentiating itself from Chinese competition

New Research Reveals Clearer Picture of Upwelling That Feeds West Coast Marine Ecosystem

Gray whales starving, washing up dead in startling numbers along SF coast

Sustainable Superstar Seafood 

Great Start to the Recreational Pacific Halibut Fishery

Dungeness relief payouts imminent

‘We’re the bad guy’: inside the shocking new film about wild fish

Seafood Without The Sea: Will Lab-Grown Fish Hook Consumers?

Feather River Smolt Release to Help Biologists Study Salmon Life Cycle

Four years after California’s largest dam removal project, how are the fish doing?

Recreational Ocean Salmon Seasons Opening in May

Oysters to defend San Francisco Bay from sea level rise? Marin research shows promising results

Scientists celebrating breakthrough in race to save endangered white abalone at UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab

Using Genetics to Inform Conservation: Spring-Run Chinook Salmon in the Klamath-Trinity River Basin

River restoration report cites conflicts

Federal aid finally on the way to Northern California for 2015 Dungeness crab disaster

‘Desperately needed’: Congress OKs more than $29 million in disaster relief for fisheries  

June 1 delivery date set for fisheries disaster dollars

A Big First: Spring-run Chinook Return!

Dead fish wash up near $6.3 million passageway designed to protect them. Why didn’t it work?

Limited spring chinook season

Coast Guard Fixing Up Buoys at the Dangerous, Shoaled-Up Entrance to Humboldt Bay

Wading into stream restoration: A conversation with the State Water Board-appointed Stream Scientists

Why are gray whales dying in the San Francisco Bay?

Ichthus Unlimited building closed-cycle bluefin tuna operation in California and Mexico

Work to continue on second half of Dry Creek restoration

Trump administration opts not to pursue appeal of driftnet ruling

Feds Eye Protection for Northern California (Steelhead) Trout

Harbor prepares for potential squid fishery

Explaining California’s sudden humpback entanglement surge

Mother, calf among gray whales believed killed by ship strikes

California Considers Sport Crab Fishery for Action Relating to Whale Entanglement

2019 Ocean Salmon Seasons Finalized for the California Coast

Reclaiming the lost population

Many California Crabbers Switching to Chinook Trolling as Salmon Seasons Are Set

Why Are So Many Gray Whales Washing Up Dead on California's Coast?

Rebounding Populations and New Flexibility Boost Catches by West Coast Groundfish Fleet

Lost sea creatures wash up on California shores as ocean climate shifts

Best salmon return since 2014 leads to longer season for North Coast fishery

Pacific Council Finalizes Generally Improved Salmon Seasons for 2019

California salmon season nears, with hopes of a longer season and lower prices

The Pacific Fishery Management Council has adopted ocean salmon season recommendation

Open Forum: California’s whale protections must also protect crab fishing industry

Whale entanglement settlement abruptly ends Dungeness crab season

Officials: No Sardine Fishing Off California This Year Due to Steep Population Decline

Commercial Crabbing Season Officially Closed; Crabbers Say the Repercussions Will Be Devastating for Local Families

The Eel River Forum Took a Detailed Look at Pikeminnow at Their March Meeting

Fishermen Reeling After Lawsuit Brings Early Closure to Crab Season

Hatchery will free thousands of tiny salmon in survival experiment

Whale entanglements not a Humboldt County problem, crabbers say

Crabbers Congregate; Bass and Wilson Pursue Coastal Commission Seat

Crab season ends early after settlement

Reclamation begins flood control operations on Upper Klamath Lake

Socioeconomic impacts of harmful algal blooms

Hitting us where it hurts: The untold story of harmful algal blooms

Harmful algal blooms and wild-caught seafood in California

Humboldt Bay’s Burke-o-Lator brings insight for the future of ocean acidification monitoring and aquaculture

Study questions sustainability of plant-based aquafeed

After 2 bad years the outlook for Recreational Salmon Season is bright

Battle Creek Hatchery releases thousands of endangered chinook salmon into Sacramento River

Groups sue to restrict salmon fishing, help Northwest orcas

Hordes of fish killed in Berkeley by firefighting water, foam

Crab season halted to save whales & turtles

Crab Season Cut Short To Protect Whales    

Crab Fishing Season Ends Early in California to Protect Whales and Sea Turtles

Commercial Dungeness Crab Season to Close Statewide April 15 - DFW release

Soaking rains a boost for salmon

Snafu results in death of 390,000 hatchery-raised salmon

U.S. Department of Commerce Allocates $20 Million in Fishery Disaster Funding

Entanglement Settlement Protects Whales, Sea Turtles and California’s Crab Fishery

Harbor responds to whale entanglement settlement

Crabbers brace for settlement impacts

Crab season to be cut short as part of settlement over whale entanglements

Shorter season imposed on California’s Dungeness crab fleet to safeguard whales

California Dungeness Crab Industry to stop fishing 3 months early in legal settlement to slow whale, turtle entanglements

Shorter season imposed on California’s Dungeness crab fleet to safeguard whales

California Dungeness crab industry to stop fishing 3 months early  

California’s Dungeness crab season to end early after settlement over whale entanglements

Dungeness drag: Fleet agrees to shutter early   

California crab fisheries to close early to protect whales

California commercial crabbers to end season early in settlement over whale deaths

Crab season to be cut short in California to protect whales and turtles

Entanglement settlement ends crab season early

California Crab Fisheries Will Be Closed Early To Protect Whales

Entanglement Settlement Protects Whales, Sea Turtles, California’s Crab Fishery - CBD release

California mussel, oyster farm gets required coastal permit 29 years late

San Pedro Fishermen Help Add to Sardine Stock Assessments

Pacific sardines likely to face another shuttered season

Restrictions on overfished sardines in Monterey Bay create financial hardships for fishermen

Dramatic sardine population decline means likely West Coast fishing ban

A California battle over swordfish — and gill nets

Who’s to blame for the neurotoxin that’s poisoning the Pacific?

Will salmon and steelhead once again spawn on the Mokelumne above Pardee?

Dam removal report sparks hope for Klamath Basin Ag

Long-sought creek restoration in Pescadero takes major step

West Coast Waters Grow More Productive with Shift Toward Cooler Conditions

Pacific Fishery Management Council Releases Alternatives for 2019 West Coast Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Faux Fish Might Help Aquaculture Keep Feeding the World

Tropical jellyfish, eels and sea butterflies are pouring into California’s coast, thanks to a ‘warm-water blob’

Mokelumne River Hatchery, A salmon success story

PG&E Orphaned the Potter Valley Project: What’s Happened & What Comes Next?

Feds could restrict Pacific Ocean fishing over endangered orcas, NOAA letter says

Considering Ocean Acidification Impacts In California Fisheries - Summary Of a Science and Management Workshop

Oyster-farming project in Humboldt Bay could threaten birds, conservationists say

National report identifies regulatory barriers to expanding shellfish aquaculture

2019 NOAA Sea Grant National Aquaculture Funding Opportunities 

NOAA’s Aquaculture Science Impresses Panel with Quality, Results

Salmon season forecast shows ‘slightly improved’ prospects

‘Slightly Improved’ Forecast for California’s 2019 Ocean Salmon Season

Fishermen cautiously optimistic for strong salmon season

International voyage aims to unravel mysteries of Pacific salmon survival

Climate change is depleting our essential fisheries

Review of 2018 Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Farming water

California could be held liable for whale entanglements

Aquaculture in California - Sea Grant

Emergency closure of spring salmon season proposed         

Ocean acidification could mean bad news for Dungeness crab

Marin shellfish farms adapt to tighter state rules

Nordic Aquafarms chief: Humboldt County can play key role

Let’s Take a Closer Look at This Big Fish Farm Proposal for the Samoa Peninsula

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Lost or Abandoned Dungeness Crab Trap Gear Retrieval Program

Hog Island Heaven

West Coast Trawlers see Highest Groundfish Landings Since 2000 with Rockfish Resurgence

Dungeness crab come to Crescent City Harbor

Dr. Michael Graham in demand as land-based seaweed farmer  

Urchinomics brings ‘pest’ urchins to retail at $70/kg

Risks of Nordic Aquafarms plan remain unknown - opinion

California town is ‘Eureka’ moment for Nordic Aquafarms, but resistance expected

Humboldt Bay harbor district eyes fish farm

Nordic Aquafarms announces plans for RAS facility in California

Commission recommends CESA listing for spring-run chinook

Commission Accepts Listing Petition; Requires Closure of Some Recreational Fishing in Klamath Basin

California Adds Protections for Klamath Spring Salmon

Crab season sees ‘sharp dropoff,’ fishermen say

Calif. clinches new regs just in time for federal rollback

DWR Gets Fish Friendly with Retooled Infrastructure in Yolo Bypass

Tracking the trout: East Bay biologists, volunteers give spawning fish a leg up 

Big surge in Coho salmon population, but the endangered species still needs protection

CDFW Seeks Input on 2019 Recreational Pacific Halibut Season Dates

Catalina Sea Ranch’s Cruver ‘chomping at the bit’ to expand mussel farm on federal waters

California has a weird new desert. It’s in the Pacific Ocean.

Historic Sea Star Die-Off Tied To Global Warming

Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program Town Hall Report Now Available

The battle over anchovy  

California wildlife agency denied in bid to delay lawsuit over whale, sea turtle entanglements

Court Denies California's Attempt to Delay Whale, Sea Turtle Entanglement Case

Oregon crab season info:

Grillseekers swarm Sausalito for herring festival

How to catch San Francisco Bay herring and what to do with it

There will be no commercial herring catch in SF Bay this year

Conviction in Great White Shark Shooting

First crab hauls brought ashore

Oregon biologists killing California sea lions to protect threatened salmon

Dam removal group speaks to Harbor Board about sediment concerns

Survey on US seafood consumption contains surprises

Report: Oyster industry impact worth about $20 million

New research is rewriting the history of Klamath-Trinity Chinook Salmon

Crab fleet gearing up for season

Domoic acid no longer a threat, opening of waters north of Patrick’s Point to crabbing

Offshore Wind, Commercial Fishing Industries Partnering Up In Unusual Collaboration

Recreational and Commercial Dungeness Crab Fisheries to Open in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

Storm brings flooding, outages, delays to crab fleet

California opens more coastline to crab fishing, but don’t count on a big haul yet

A California Chef Learns to Swim in Changed Waters

Lagunitas Creek observers see robust coho salmon run

Endangered coho returning to North Bay to spawn in streams, with mixed results

A primer on the behavior of juvenile salmon in the Delta

Harbor may see influx of transient crabbing vessels with season set to begin

Toxin further delays crab season

Pacific Fishery Management Council now accepting public comment on draft Salmon Rebuilding Plans for two Chinook stocks

New salmon-counting technique treats Alaska stream like a crime scene

Abalone season halted until 2021 as storm swells toss mollusks on shore

‘Challenging ocean conditions’ worry commercial crabbers as delays extend longer into season

Coho salmon recovery programs seek help from local landowners

Northern Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Further Delayed in Ocean Waters North of Patrick’s Point, Humboldt County due to Public Health Hazard

Pots dropped: Oregon Dungeness season is in full swing

Whale entanglements on the West Coast rise again in 2018, is this the new normal? 

Lagunitas Creek monitors expect busy coho run

Can sustainably caught swordfish make waves on the Central Coast?

(CA) Crab season delayed to Jan. 15

Oregon commercial crab fishery to open Jan. 4 north of Cape Arago - Industry notice

Washington Dungeness crab industry notice - Season Opening from Cape Arago, Oregon to Klipsan Beach, Washington

2019 Studies and Reports

A Path Forward for California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

Ecological thresholds in forecast performance for key United States West Coast Chinook salmon stocks

Marine heat wave and multiple stressors tip bull kelp forest to sea urchin barrens

Endangered wild salmon infected by newly discovered viruses

Managing hydropower dam releases for water users and imperiled fishes with contrasting thermal habitat requirements

The non-market benefits of early and partial gains in managing threatened salmon

Insights into estuary habitat loss in the western United States using a new method for mapping maximum extent of tidal wetlands

New Research to Analyze Geospatial Patterns and Species Impacts of Changing Ocean Chemistry on the West Coast

Casting a broader net: Using microfluidic metagenomics to capture aquatic biodiversity data from diverse taxonomic targets

Climate vulnerability assessment for Pacific salmon and steelhead in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem

Recent Ecosystem Disturbance in the Northern California Current

U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments, 2018 (updated) - Summary Table 2018 Pacific (PDF, 3 pages)

Statewide Drought Response: Stressor Monitoring - SUMMARY REPORT • 2014-2017

Rivers That Depend on Aquifers: Drafting GMA Groundwater Plans with Fisheries in Mind

Study documents environmental impacts of Sausalito’s unregulated anchor-outs see study: Quantification of damage to eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds and evidence-based management strategies for boats anchoring in San Francisco Bay

Integrating genetic and demographic effects of connectivity on population stability: The case of hatchery trucking in salmon

The Sustainability Conundrum of Fishmeal Substitution by Plant Ingredients in Shrimp Feeds

NOAA Seeks to Improve Fish Passage through 2018 Program Review

Socioeconomic Guidance for Implementing the California Marine Life Management Act

Overcoming Impediments to Shellfish Aquaculture through Legal Research and Outreach

Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture in Federal Waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): Agencies, Industry, and Academia Working Together on Compliance and Permitting Requirements

Lead Fishing Tackle: Impacts of California Wildlife and the Environment - Feb. 2019

Idaho Study Finds Catch-Release For Wild Steelhead Little Impact On Adult/Progeny Survival

Aquaculture does little to conserve wild fisheries, according to study

Disease epidemic and a marine heat wave are associated with the continental-scale collapse of a pivotal predator (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

Harvest, Hatchery Returns, and Straying of Salmon Released at Bay and Delta sites during California’s Drought

Response to Bay-Delta Science Paper on The Problems with Coleman Hatchery Salmon Straying

Integrated Diet Analyses Reveal Contrasting Trophic Niches for Wild and Hatchery Juvenile Chinook Salmon in a Large River Delta

How fast are the oceans warming?

Environmental DNA for the enumeration and management of Pacific salmon

2018 News and Info

Latest CDPH domoic acid testing results for Dungeness and rock crab 12-28-2018 and lobster 11-26-2018

Additional crab related press releases, information and articles with links as of 1-1-2019 (please check for updates)

For information on Dungeness and rock crab, domoic acid, disaster relief and the Committee's previous crab hearings with related documents and links

Bay Area Crab Prices Skyrocket

Where to watch coho salmon spawn in the Bay Area

Offshore wind farms will reduce commercial fishing grounds

California North Coast fleet scrambling to get crab on the table for Christmas 

Dangerous Surf Threatens Bay Area Christmas Crab Supply

The Fisheries of Santa Barbara - video

Northern California Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Delay Extended

Commercial crab season no delayed until mid-January, CDFW announces

Northern CA commercial Dungeness crab season delayed again until Jan. 15

Dungeness Crab Season Shelved Again

Groups: US must consider how salmon fishing hurts orcas

Dungeness tasty but a bit scarce and pricey this year in Bay Area

Nonprofit continues battle to save Klamath dams

New Reports Highlight Landings, Value and Economic Impact of U.S. Fishing

McKinleyville man helps save salmon — with math: Formula predicts habitats of a key player in salmon parasite’s life cycle

Catch limits increase for key West Coast groundfish species

Rockfish make a remarkable recovery off California coast, prompting federal officials to raise catch limits

California extends ban on abalone fishing until 2021

Crab Quality Delays 2018-19 Northern California Commercial Dungeness Crab Season to Dec. 31

Crab season delayed north of Mendocino County line

Don’t Eat That Razor Clam!

Let it flow: In about-face, state breaks and shifts levees to restore natural floodplains

CDFW Awards $13.2 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration and Forest Legacy Projects

Nordic Aquafarms opens office near site of future salmon RAS facility in Maine

Commercial Dungeness Crab Season to Open in Sonoma County

Disaster relief dollars for crab fishery

Crab fishermen and environmentalists square off over whale entanglements

Salmon surge: Habitat improvements paying off on one California river

Under Santa Cruz Wharf, a robot watches for algal blooms

McGuire tackles crabbing, whale entanglement issues at committee hearing - CDFW director announces first of its kind conservation plan for state

California seeks plan to protect whales and Dungeness crab fishery

Support fishermen in their climate suit

Pacific crabbers file lawsuit against fossil fuel industry

McGuire hosts Fisheries Hearing in San Francisco Focused on California’s Whale Protection Efforts and State of the State on 2018-19 Crab Season 

Crab season delayed

Could California’s ocean ranches solve a global food shortage and fix the seafood trade deficit?

McGuire to hold hearing on crab season, whale entanglements next week  

McGuire to report on North Coast crab

San Joaquin River salmon make big gains, but don’t call it a comeback yet

Butte County Town Attempts to Save Salmon From Wildfire Devastation

Poor quality delays commercial crab season

2018-11-21  McGuire Hosts Hearing on CA's Crab Season & Whale Protection Efforts Next Week!

Another big year for salmon on Mokelumne River

Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Delayed in Northern California

Domoic Acid and the Recreational Dungeness Crab Fishery: A brief history of monitoring and current recreational fishery information

BOEM Hosts Local Informational Forum on Offshore Wind Planning in California

Climatic closures: Crabbers file suit over warming waters

West Coast crab fisherman sue 30 fossil fuel companies, citing economic losses due to climate change

Dungeness crab for Christmas? Fishermen head out on opening day of 2018 commercial season 

Fishermen Give Thumbs-Up to First Catch as Commercial Crab Harvest Begins

Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closure Lifted in State Waters Around Anacapa Island

New regulations to reduce the risk of marine life entanglements in commercial Dungeness crab fishing gear

Fish 'FasTrak' system shows Napa steelhead come home

Humboldt Bay Shellfish Mariculture Business Survey: Assessing economic conditions and impact - November 2018

Commercial Dungeness crab season opens in most of California

Low meat content delays Oregon crab season

Crab season delayed on the Oregon Coast

Sonoma Coast crab on the way    

Great white sharks spotted in North Coast waters

Clearing the way for Pacific lamprey return to their southern range

Southern Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Delayed in Ocean Waters North of Bodega Head Due to Public Health Hazard

2018-19 Frequently Asked Questions for the Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery

Dungeness crab season faces delays in parts of state

2015-16 Crab Fisheries Disaster Relief - Frequently Asked Questions 

California Commercial Dungeness Crab Catch by Season, 1915/16-2017/18 (PDF)

Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery Updates to Vessel Size Restrictions - Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Fishermen less concerned about contaminated crab as commercial season nears

Sensational Bay Area opener for Dungeness crab

Legions of Dungeness crab fans hit Sonoma Coast for sport opener

The River is Running Through It

Fishermen Petition Water Board to Control Pesticide Pollution on California's Gorgeous Smith River

Tailgating for crabs: Half Moon Bay gears up for Dungeness crab season

Stars aligning for great Dungeness crab opener

Fisherman jumps into ocean to free entangled whale off Central California coast

Snorkeling With The Salmon In A Northern California River

Conservation group seeks judgement in California crab gear lawsuit

How researchers flinging salmon inadvertently spurred tree growth

Startling new research finds large buildup of heat in the oceans, suggesting a faster rate of global warming

CDPH Warns Consumers Not To Eat the Viscera of Crab Caught Near Bodega Bay and Russian River

Domoic Acid Levels Delay Recreational Dungeness Crab Season Between Patrick’s Point and Oregon Border; Season Opens Everywhere Else This Saturday

‘Otters win, again.’ Supreme Court shuts down challenge from California fishing industry

Study finds danger to Smith River coho

Nutrition researcher: The human diet needs more shellfish

Catalina Offshore Gets Funding to Revive Opah Consumption in California, West Coast

Seafood Industry and Scientists Team Up to Make the Most of Opah

Reviewing the Gear Involved in West Coast Whale Entanglements - Forensic Review Workshop REPORT

Seaport developer, fishermen reach deal to help save San Diego’s storied fishing industry

Recreational Dungeness Crab Fishery Delayed in Northern Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Due to Public Health Hazard

OEHHA recommendation to delay recreational Dungeness crab fishery from Patrick’s Point to the Oregon border

CDPH Warns Recreational Anglers Not to Eat Dungeness Crab Caught north of Patrick’s Point

Recreational Dungeness crab season delayed in parts of California

Delay of recreational crabbing recommended after domoic acid found in elevated levels

West’s rivers are hot enough to cook salmon to death. Will this court ruling keep them cool?

Dungeness crab season nears in California, but toxins pose a familiar threat

Study leads to a question: Should the fishing industry insure itself against risk? 

California’s Underwater Forests Are Being Eaten by the ‘Cockroaches of the Ocean’ 

Gloomy prediction for abalone season

Savoring Seafood: National Seafood Month 2018

Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closed in State Waters Around Anacapa Island Due to Public Health Hazard

California Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working GroupUpdates and 2018-19 recommendations to advance the Risk Assessment and Mitigation Program (RAMP) and reduce whale entanglements

Shellfish Aquaculture Best Management Practices Stakeholder Meeting - October 25, Santa Rosa

Red Abalone Fishery Management Plan Peer Review Report Webinar Set for October 12 

Scientific Peer Review of Proposed Recreational Red Abalone Management Strategies

Upper Klamath River (recreational fishing for fall Chinook Quota) Met

Scientists discover genetic basis for how harmful algae blooms become toxic

SCCOOS California HAB Bulletin: September 2018

Lean prey in warm ocean years leaves forage fish hungry

Feds declare salmon fishery disasters

Controversy over Klamath River dam removal persists as approval nears

Judge says steelhead need more help in Santa Clara River

Yurok tribe revives ancestral lands by restoring salmon runs, protecting wildlife

Mitigating red tide more than killing algae, researcher says

Farming the ocean to save the world

Savoring Seafood: National Seafood Month 2018

Bipartisan aquaculture bill filed in US House

Klamath bids for dam removal out to contractors

2018-9-25 Governor signs McGuire’s bill that will benefit fishermen, fish buyers, the State’s economy and the environment

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Declares Commercial Fishery Disasters for West Coast Salmon and Sardines

    Commerce Secretary determination letters:

Threatened spring-run chinook salmon are sparse this year

CDFW Issues Reminders for Salmon Anglers in the Central Valley

Salmon feeding ground on Ten Mile River is a ‘win-win’ 

The Future of Fish Farming May Be Indoors

CDFW Celebrates National Hunting and Fishing Day, Ramps Up New Hunter and Angler Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Efforts

Klamath Basin - 'Storms' underway in water talks; are they failing?         

Purple urchin invasion leads to a low harvest, high prices for West Coast urchins

Oroville Salmon Festival Returns on Sept. 22

Lower Klamath River (recreational fishing for fall Chinook) Quota Met

CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Sport-Harvested Bivalve Shellfish from Humboldt County

California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s CA Crab Fisheries Disaster Relief Spending Plan Proposal September 7, 2018

Trapped: Calif. crabbers manage fallout of whale entanglements

Oregon issues approval to remove J.C. Boyle Dam on the Klamath River

Gov. Brown signs executive order to protect California's plants, animals and biodiversity 

CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Sport-Harvested Bivalve Shellfish from Del Norte County

California Moves to Ban Mile-Long Fishing Nets Blamed For Killing Whales, Sharks, Dolphins, and Other Sea Life

California Legislature sends bill to reduce dolphin, whale deaths to governor

Seafood Import Restrictions on Certain Fish and Fish Products from Mexico (vaquita protection)

Restoration project nears - Pescadero/Butano Creek

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Conference August 29 12pm Call - Progress to Date: Crab Disaster Relief Spending Plan - Agenda - Additional information here; 

West Marin creek project underway to boost coho habitat

Crabbers to get federal relief

Pacific Herring Fishery Management Plan Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting for the Environmental Impacts Document

San Francisco Is Fighting California’s Plan to Save Salmon. Wait. What?

Can the Ocean Feed a Growing World?

Fish and Game Commission notice of receipt of petition to list Upper Klamath-Trinity River spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) as an endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act - petition

Mendo County Stakeholders Want to Take Over the Potter Valley Project, Which Diverts Water From the Eel; Local Enviros Say That Spells Trouble

One fish two fish: counting salmon on the Russian River

Responsible aquaculture lures support in California

Pathways Toward Responsible Aquaculture in California: Moss Landing Marine Lab

Salmon decline reveals worrisome trend

Klamath-Trinity River fish benefitting from Carr Fire, fisheries officials say

Threat of El Niño has Pacific squid fleet on edge

Waters off Southern California coasts reach record high temperatures

Marine Harvest pursuing radical new salmon farm designs

California's salmon industry fears it will be wiped out by Trump

Recreational Red Abalone Peer Review web page - strategies, process, engagement opportunities, additional resources and more... 

Fish and Game Commission Staff Report on California Coastal Fishing Communities Meetings

Does the Bay Area Have Enough Water for Economic Growth and Salmon?

Judge denies preliminary injunction in Klamath Tribes suit

110 salmon counted on Salmon River; tribe says new research could lead to protections

In attempt to save the rarest marine mammal, court orders a ban on Mexican seafood imports

Dungeness season saw strong catch

Public Hearing to Discuss Limits for Commercial Dungeness Trap Surface Gear

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Dungeness Crab Trap Surface Gear Limitations and Gear Removal Time

Prioritizing West Coast Chinook salmon stocks for Southern Resident killer whale recovery

Judge Won’t Divert Water for Endangered Sucker Fish 

The Klamath conflict Water war along California-Oregon border pits growers against tribes, family against family

A Sea Urchin Army Is Mowing Down California's Kelp Forests -- But Why?

Remaking Flood Management to Support Salmon

Here’s How the Largest Dam Removal Project in the U.S. Would Work

Salmon Season Now in Session for Sac, Feather Rivers 

Hoopa Valley Tribe warns of lawsuit over salmon fishing rules

CDFW Request for Industry Input: Draft Proposal for the Disbursement of Disaster Relief Funds for California Crab Fisheries

Eel River salmon, steelhead habitat to be restored after being blocked by railroad for 104 years

Epigenetics may hold answers to the survival of hatchery-born salmon

California Is Preparing for Extreme Weather. It’s Time to Plant Some Trees

Draft Marine Protected Area Monitoring Action Plan Available for Public Review - Action Plan

After slow-paced 2017 season, albacore trollers hope landings pick up

New Report Evaluating U.S. Shellfish Aquaculture Permitting Systems Now Available - Download the Evaluation of U.S. Shellfish Aquaculture Permitting Systems report 

CDFW Launches Electronic Reporting System for Commercial Fish Landings

North Coast crabbers haul in above average catch in 2017-18 season worth $42 million

KRRC Files Comprehensive Plan for Removal of Four Hydroelectric Dams on the Klamath River 

        - complete copy of the Definite Plan 

Ag Commissioner says potential disaster facing Klamath Basin

Final 2017 Commercial Landings Reports Now Available - Final California Commercial Landings

As Crab Season Ends, Time to Collect Gear

Wicker Introduces Bill to Advance American Aquaculture - (Federal) Legislation Would Streamline Permitting Process and Fund Research and Development

Stakeholder Input Invited: Federally-funded Research Priorities for Aquaculture

Yuroks cancel commercial salmon fishery, expand subsistence fishing over 2017

Reclamation releases 2018 Klamath Project operations and drought plans

Feds send $26 million relief for California crab fishery disaster

California crabbers, Yurok Tribe receive nearly $30M in fisheries disaster relief

Commerce Secretary allocates $200 million fishery disaster funding following 2017 hurricanes

EPA fines NorCal gravel miner for dumping on endangered salmon

Short salmon season is tough on fishermen

Deadline Approaching: Apply to Join the IUCN Green List Expert Assessment Group

How the Yurok Tribe is reclaiming the Klamath River

Group issues Humboldt Bay seafood eating guide based on mercury levels

Artificial beaver dams are a hot restoration strategy, but the projects aren't always welcome

North Coast divers take the plunge, target hordes of purple urchins

Harbor crab numbers up slightly from last year

Straws. Bottle caps. Polyester. These are the new targets of California's environmental movement

A little water could make a big difference for endangered salmon

With Its Way Of Life At Risk, This Remote Oyster-Growing Region Called In Robots

Just keep swimming: Fish to have easier access to Sacramento River

Humboldt Bay hosts ‘Burke-o-Lator’ to measure effects of ocean acidification on shellfish, eelgrass

In bid to save abalone, Sonoma Coast divers plan huge purple urchin harvest

2017 West Coast (Whale) Entanglement Summary

CDFW Marine Region - 2017 Year in Review

20K-Pound Fresh Fish Catch Helps San Diego Maritime Industry

Agency's Latest Status of Stocks Report Shows More Progress Rebuilding Fish Stocks

US fisheries report reveals all-time-low numbers of overfishing, overfished stocks 

Mikkelsen visits (Klamath) Basin stakeholders, releases framework for water agreement

Habitat Restoration for Chinook Salmon in Putah Creek: A Success Story

Can an uneasy truce hold off another water rebellion on California's northern border?

PG&E plan to sell Mendocino County hydropower project unsettles North Coast water system

PG&E Plans to Auction off the Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project

Chinese fish farm tests deep-sea waters with ‘world’s biggest’ salmon cage

Recreational Ocean Salmon Seasons Opening in June

Salmon spawn fierce debate over protecting endangered species, thanks to a single gene

Reclamation begins emergency dilution flows early Monday in Klamath River

Global Fisheries Beautifully Illustrated & Mapped

Salmon program bolsters fishery 

A million salmon were released into the Sacramento River. So why are anglers unhappy?

Another short salmon season means skimpy year, high prices

Local kelp forests are giving way to barrens of sea urchins. Divers want to fight back. 

Federal judge sides with Klamath Basin fish over farmers

Judge upholds Klamath River injunction

US senators seek end to driftnet fishing 

Fatal Falls Overboard in Commercial Fishing — United States, 2000–2016

Work begins on $10 million Alameda Creek fish ladders

Monterey Bay fishermen working round the clock to pull in plentiful catch

Annual blessing of the Bodega Bay fishing fleet marks a shorter and uncertain salmon season

2021 new target to remove Klamath dams

Farming That Uses a Little Water ... And a Whole Lot of Fish Poop

Commercial rock crab fishery continues to be extended northward to near the Mendocino/Humboldt County line

Meet the Women Behind California’s First Open-Water Seaweed Farm

Record number of steelhead return to spawn during 2017-2018 season at Coleman National Fish Hatchery

Recreational Salmon Seasons Set for 2018

Records contradict feds’ story behind disbanding of Trinity River watchdog group

King crab - Crescent City is California’s top crab catcher

Extreme climate variability destabilizing West Coast ecosystems

Klamath River salmon season set to reopen in May; other regions face restrictions

Bodega Bay Fisherman’s Festival a bright spot after bad news for salmon fleet

Federal judge hears Klamath Basin tribes, irrigators arguments on dam water releases

2018 West Coast Salmon Season Dates Set

Pacific Fishery Management Council Adopts Major Changes to West Coast Groundfish Fishery

California Mobilizes to Save Invaluable Kelp – Will Efforts Be in Vain?

Northern California divers battle to save abalone — with a giant sea-urchin vacuum

A Mighty Confluence of Events Creates a Model Stream

Reclamation to increase water releases to Klamath River today to address fish health concerns

New model looks to predict economic impacts of fishing closures 

New study reveals cost of 2017 salmon fisheries closure

April Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Curtailed on Much of the California Coast

Federal Agency To Study Effects Of Electric Pulses From Proposed Wind Farm On Fish

CDFW Invites Public Input on Development of State Coastal Marine Aquaculture Program

Klamath River salmon fishing season set to reopen

KRRC representatives detail dam activities

Feather River flow cranked up for young salmon

Panel explores kelp, ab, urchin recovery

Feds eye scaling back antiparasite Klamath dam releases

Reclamation Responds to Klamath Water Users’ Motion in District Court, Outlines Proposed 2018 Operations

Chinook seasons expected

Chinook Salmon ‘Overfished’? Not So Fast, Say Fishers

North Coast salmon season to be delayed into summer

California’s Salmon Industry Set to Take Another Hit This Season 

The Pacific Fishery Management Council has chosen options for the 2018 salmon season

April Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Curtailed on Much of the California Coast

Fishing: Although restricted, there will be a 2018 Chinook salmon season

Fishing The North Coast: Salmon season returns to the North Coast

Marin’s rare fish have off season as rains fluctuate

DRAFT Council-Adopted Salmon Management Measures (Tables) for Public Review – from March 2018 PFMC Meeting

Klamath River fish-kill preventive dam releases challenged by farmers, water districts

Resource Agencies Re-Introduce Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon into Battle Creek to Expand Range of Endangered Species

West Coast ocean returning to normal but salmon catches lagging

The rise of seaweed 

'Perfect Storm' Has North Coast Marine Ecosystem Reeling, Abalone in Crisis 

This Is Why You Don't See People-Sized Salmon Anymore - see study here

West Coast sardine fishing closed for 4th year; ‘alarming’ 97% population decline

These Chinook almost went extinct during California’s drought. Can this $100 million plan save them?

Weak Sacramento River chinook run could hurt, eliminate ocean salmon seasons

Planned Release of BY 2017 Juvenile Winter Run Chinook Salmon from Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery

Repairing the Feather River after the Oroville Dam emergency

Fewer salmon at the Golden Gate may mean less fishing in Northern California rivers

Forecast shows California salmon fishermen in for another year of sharp limits 

California’s Drought, Poor Ocean Conditions Impact Salmon Forecast for 2018

Petition Prompts ESA Review of Upper Klamath and Trinity River Chinook Salmon

NMFS Considering Adding Klamath Spring Chinook to the Endangered Species List

Fisheries Off West Coast States; West Coast Salmon Fisheries; Management Measures To Limit Fishery Impacts on Sacramento River Winter Chinook Salmon

The Future of Fish Farming

NOAA Fisheries charts progress for West Coast species at risk

'Fish Hub' Plans To Restore Monterey’s Fishing Roots, One Piece At A Time

Fishing the North Coast: Klamath salmon count up

Capitol Tracker: Bill would allow crab season to close temporarily for whale entanglements

Crabbers concede 25 cents

CDFW Now Accepting Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project Proposals

New (OR) legislation to localize domoic acid closures

Commercial crabbing on hold

Coast Guard rescues two fishermen near Mendocino, assists two additional fishing vessels near McKinleyville and Fort Bragg

California’s crab fleet awaits share of $200 million in disaster relief 

San Francisco’s love affair with Dungeness crab grows more toxic

Klamath Basin irrigators, fish face dry year, officials say

Study finds more harm to fish from stormwater

CDFW to Release a Half-Million Steelhead into Feather River

Spending bill includes disaster relief funds for Dungeness crab, salmon fisheries 

After delays, Dungeness crab season a mixed bag for US West Coast

Salmon Preseason Process: Calendar of Events and Contact Information

CDFW Awards $14.4 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration and Forest Legacy Projects

Commission Suspends License of Sportfishing Charter Boat Operator for Poaching in Southern California Marine Protected Areas

Another crabbing vessel rescued Tuesday; 2 crabbers unhurt

Coast Guard aids fishermen aboard disabled vessel near Humboldt Bay

Harbor bustling - Commercial crab catch begins

Search suspended for Eureka fisherman missing after falling overboard

Friends Of Lake Sonoma - Steelheed Festival

Family of missing crew member pleads for help

Coast Guard assists 3 fishermen in distress near Humboldt Bay

Entire Oregon coast now open for crabbing

Red Herring: The Tons of Fish That Are Caught But Not Eaten

US Senate Hearing Highlights Aquaculture Opportunities

Fishing’s impact on economy topic of meeting

Program recovers lost crabbing gear

For first time in 60 years, spring-run Chinook salmon reproduce in San Joaquin River

Diverted River Sustains California Wine Country, but It’s Killing Salmon

The Seafood Trail On Northern California’s Coast That Is Just Like Heaven

Fish enjoy a healthier, prosperous 2017 - No fishkill for first time in years at Pescadero marsh

Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closure Lifted Near Santa Cruz and Anacapa Islands

Oregon’s valuable Dungeness crab fishery gets underway

Oceana wins lawsuit against feds over anchovy quota

The North Coast Crab Fleet is geared up

Crabbers go to sea

Crab boats launch as season opens

Long-delayed crab opener hits more hitches: weather and weight

Weather, quality testing snag commercial crabbing season

California floodplains and the fish that use them

Crabbers set to snap

KRRC liaison breaks down dam removal

Can Better Technologies Save Endangered California Salmon?

California Sea Lion Population Rebounded to New Highs

Crabbing woes continue 

Crab quality in question

Price talks delay crab season

CDPH Lifts Rock Crab Health Advisory in Portions of Sonoma County

Coho salmon return to west Marin County watershed 

Coho Salmon Released in Marin County’s Redwood Creek to Boost Spawning of Endangered Fish

Northern California crab season to open amid scrutiny over whale entanglements

Commercial crab season to open Monday but local crabbers want another test done

Monday opener set for North Coast crab fishermen; quality up in the air

Commercial crab season to finally open Jan. 15

Commercial Dungeness Crab Season to Open in Northern California

Feds to pause killing of beavers after threat of lawsuit

New paths to survival for endangered winter run Chinook salmon

The delta smelt heads for extinction, marking a half-century of failed California water policy

Coho Salmon to Remain on Endangered List   

Crab season delayed again

For sustainable fisheries, try eating ‘underloved’ fish

Oceans suffocating as huge dead zones quadruple since 1950, scientists warn

New Salmon Habitat Project Completed on Sacramento River

Yellowstone fish deaths point to huge toll of human activity on rivers

NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Initiative - grant funding available

Crab Fishing in California: Risky Business


2018 Studies and Reports

Eureka Fishing Community Sustainability Plan

Alternative Juvenile Production Estimate (JPE) Forecast Approaches for Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

New Reports Highlight Landings, Value and Economic Impact of U.S. Fishing

Senate Office of Research (SOR) Report - Catastrophic Loss of Bull Kelp Forests

Humboldt Bay Shellfish Mariculture Business Survey: Assessing economic conditions and impact - November 2018

Smoky Skies From Wildfires Are Good For Fish, Study Concludes

Effects of warming ocean conditions on feeding ecology of small pelagic fishes in a coastal upwelling ecosystem: a shift to gelatinous food sources

Biosynthesis of the neurotoxin domoic acid in a bloom-forming diatom

The making of a plankton toxin

From eelgrass to mudflat: New research dives into Morro Bay mystery

Managing for Salmon Resilience in California’s Variable and Changing Climate

Southern California coast emerges as a toxic algae hot spot

Using hierarchical models to estimate stock-specific and seasonal variation in ocean distribution, survivorship, and aggregate abundance of fall run Chinook salmon

Mercury Testing of Sport/Food Fishes within Humboldt Bay - April, 2018

Can fish really feel pain?

Adaptive comanagement to achieve climate‐ready fisheries

NOAA - Status of Stocks 2017 - Overfished list drops to new all-time low

Study Projects Massive Northward Shift of Species as Oceans Warm

Where and why does restoration happen? Ecological and sociopolitical influences on stream restoration in coastal California

Predicting the economic impacts of the 2017 West Coast salmon troll ocean fishery closure


Blurred lines: Multiple freshwater and marine algal toxins at the land-sea interface of San Francisco Bay, California

Marine spatial planning makes room for offshore aquaculture in crowded coastal waters

Effects of the proposed California WaterFix North Delta Diversion on flow reversals and entrainment of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) into Georgiana Slough and the Delta Cross Channel, northern California

Demographic changes in Chinook salmon across the Northeast Pacific Ocean

Differential toxin response of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries as a function of nitrogen speciation in batch and continuous cultures, and during a natural assemblage experiment

New Report on the State of the California Current in 2017

Evaluation of the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program

Gravel-bed river floodplains are the ecological nexus of glaciated mountain landscapes

Little genetic difference among Dungeness crab from California to Washington



Caltrans 2016 Fish Passage Report to the Legislature

Endangered winter-run Chinook salmon rely on diverse rearing habitats in a highly altered landscape

Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters

Rights-based management for recreational for-hire fisheries: Evidence from a policy trial


2017 News and Info

For information on Dungeness and rock crab, domoic acid, disaster relief and the Committee's previous crab hearings with related documents and links

Additional crab related press releases, information and articles with links as of 2-19-2018 (please check for updates)

Latest CDPH domoic acid testing results for Dungeness and rock crab - Dec. 29, 2017 and lobster

NOAA Sea Grant Aquaculture Initiative - grant funding available

Remembering the Salty Lady’s Roger Thomas

A Section of the Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closure around Anacapa Island has been Lifted

Crab health advisory lifted

Dungeness Crab Health Advisory Lifted for Remainder of California Coast 

CDPH Lifts Dungeness Crab Health Advisory in Mendocino and Humboldt Counties

Northern California Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Opener Delayed Again Due to Quality Testing

More than 800 abandoned crab pots retrieved

Why California’s most productive salmon hatchery is millions of fish short

Starfish making comeback after syndrome killed millions

The opening night of crab season on Monterey Bay brings trials, triumph and a whole lot of hustle

Crab prices likely to stay high into holiday week

Dungeness Crab Shortage Having Widespread Holiday Impact

Prices rise as Dungeness crab season delayed on US West Coast

Dungeness crab prices spike due to limited supply

How Aquaculture will Shape the Future of Olympia Oysters at Elkhorn Slough

Northern California commercial crab season delayed a second time

Crab season delayed until at least Dec. 31

California Recreational Abalone Fishery to be Closed in 2018

California’s abalone fishery to be closed next year to protect crashing fishery 

Rebuilding plans pay off for West Coast groundfish fishery - Pacific Ocean Perch Rebuilt

Northern California Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Opener Pushed Back to Dec. 31

Eel River Recovery Project: Salmon run expected to be as large as last year

Scientists Call for Improved Technologies to Save Imperiled California Salmon

Baby endangered California salmon use different rivers than expected, research shows

Can Song-Loving Robots Help Save Whales From Ships?

Environmentalists fear lobster traps off Laguna Beach pose danger to whales along the coastline

Abalone Collapse with Kelp Forests 

No place like home for ‘Moke’ salmon

Recovering marine mammals increase pressure on West Coast salmon 

'It Takes Our Purpose': With No Salmon, Yurok Tribe Struggles With Identity

Higher Than Expected Number Of Chinook Salmon Return To American River

Lagunitas Creek gets odd visitor: pink salmon

Scientists launch major study of microplastics pollution in San Francisco Bay 

Stronger squid landings spur hope for West Coast US ‘wetfish’ sector

It’s a brutal end for these salmon, but it replenishes oceans and feeds families

Our View: Scientific monitoring of Dungeness crab population is more necessary than ever

Commercial Dungeness crab season delay on North Coast

Commercial crab season delayed by scant meat

Crab season delayed

Commercial Dungeness Crab Season in Northern California (Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties) Delayed Due to Crab Quality Testing - CDFW release

CDFW 2017-11-20 memo that commercial Dungeness crab fishing in the Northern Management Areahas been delayed beyond December 1, 2017 due to poor crab quality

Measures to Boost Salmon Are Working, but Some Fear They Could Backfire

Release of juvenile salmon jump-starts Russian River

The first Dungeness crabs are in, and they’re meaty

Dungeness crab fishing through the years in Sonoma County 

Crabs in high demand in Monterey

Fish-friendly measures steer Central Valley salmon run 

Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery - Frequently Asked Questions - CDFW 11-16-2017

Dungeness crab season begins in the Bay Area

WDFW delays commercial crab fishery on Washington coast due to low meat content

Oregon Commercial Crab Season Delayed Along Entire Coast

After a string of tough years, Dungeness crab season opens

Explore California’s State Fisheries: New interactive data-visualization tool provides opportunity to explore fisheries data

Vaquita capture plan suspended, but efforts to save species continue

California's Dungeness Crab Fishery Targeted With Petition, Lawsuit for Harming Whales as Season Opens 

On the North Coast, Dungeness crab season under way 

What’s in the sea? Toilets, tires and trolleys might be part of your neighborhood artificial reef 

Fingers crossed there won’t be anything to be crabby about this season

Commercial Dungeness crab season scheduled to start on Nov. 15

Partnership with state-run Nimbus Hatchery helps correct wayward 2017 fall-run Chinook salmon that strayed off course when they returned to spawn

Several hundred tons of squid offloaded in Ventura

A Section of the Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closure around Anacapa Island has been Lifted

CDPH Warns Recreational Anglers to Avoid Consuming the Viscera of Dungeness Crab Caught along Parts of the Northern California Coast

Study Details How Contaminated (WA) Highway Runoff Deadly To Coho, Loss Rates 60 To 90 Percent

Four dams in the West are coming down — a victory wrapped in a defeat for smart water policy

As climate change threatens a California tribe’s ‘Jerusalem and Mecca,’ a model deal could save the day

Paiute Cutthroat Trout Return to Silver King Creek for First Time in 71 Years

Annual NOAA fisheries report shows value up, consumption slightly down from 2015 - NOAA Report

(Recreational) Crab opener Saturday but weather, conditions up in the air

WDFW: Crab still soft, light on meat

SEEKING HELP: Senators ask for funding to help fishing industry         

West Coast, Alaska senators urge disaster aid for multiple fisheries

Pair study effect of acidity, warm water on Dungeness crab

Sport crabbing closed off south coast (Oregon) - domoic acid results

Professor has a message for Congress: Overfishing is over

Sea cucumbers are a boon to a local seafood processor

Commercial Spiny Lobster Fishery Closed at Anacapa Island and the East End of Santa Cruz Island Due to Public Health Hazard

State legislators to meet in Eureka to discuss future of crab, salmon fisheries

Scientists say few spring-run salmon in Feather River likely due to heat, drought

North Coast crab toxin tests mostly clean

Do You Care If Your Fish Dinner Was Raised Humanely? Animal Advocates Say You Should

What dolphin diets reveal about climate change's effects off the California coast

Fish Blood in Their Veins — But Few Salmon in Their River

PG&E Project Blamed for Harming Endangered Fish in NorCal River   

In order to prevent whale entanglements, local crab fishermen team up to find lost crab pots

What Scientists Are Learning About the Impact of an Acidifying Ocean

Klamath River Renewal Corporation Fall 2017 newsletter and upcoming open houses in Klamath Falls, Yreka and Eureka 

Informational meeting on Klamath Dam issue Tuesday in Yreka

Congressman calls for review of mining ban

Oregon, California senators step up pressure on Trump administration to approve salmon emergency cash

Harbor considers charge to store pots

NOAA Fisheries Celebrates National Seafood Month

Nimbus Hatchery Fish Ladder to Open Oct. 9

Wildlife protectors on Butte Creek have a new battle cry: Save the dam

Freeing up Fish: The Effort to Remove Barriers to Spawning Sites

Forum fosters native Southern California oyster restoration

Evolutionary genomics informs salmon conservation

California sued for whale entanglements; crab fishing blamed

State sued over whale deaths in crab fishing gear

Lawsuit Targets California's Dungeness Crab Fishery for Harming Endangered Whales, Sea Turtles

Coleman salmon return may hit record low

California Is Giving Water Back to Native Fish – but How Much?

Sea critters hitchhiked across the Pacific on tsunami debris

Judge Denies Irrigators Special Treatment, Millions in Drought Payments

Basin irrigators lose 'takings' case that dates back to 2001 water shutoff 

Klamath River Extremely Sick, According to Yurok Tribe

Feds won’t oppose Klamath River dam removal, official says

Reclamation official to make third trip to the Basin 

Fishing rule reforms debated on Capitol Hill

Dams seen driving 'mass extinction' of salmon

There’s Something Fishy About These Trees

The wet winter brought lots of water to California. But fighting over fish continues

A US ban on shark fins is a bad idea, say researchers

Oroville fish hatchery sees lowest salmon run in years

No fishery relief funds again in Congress’ $1.2T spending bill

Fishing Industry Concerned About Fall Salmon Season

California Department  of Fish and Wildlife Report to PFMC on Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook 

Drought-ravaged winter-run Chinook salmon hit rock bottom on the Sacramento River

California crabbers use GPS to find whale-killing gear

Coast Seafoods can keep farming shellfish in Humboldt Bay through 2025

Humboldt County public asked to weigh in on fisheries industry future

Port allows fish sales from boats at Fisherman’s Wharf

California’s water wars pit farmers against local fishermen

Warm waters off West Coast has lingering effects for salmon

NOAA Fisheries: Ocean Surveys Show Poor Conditions For Columbia Basin Salmon

Ocean ecosystem indicators of salmon marine survival in the Northern California Current

2017-9-5 California Pacific Sardine Fishery Resource Disaster and Commercial Fishery Failure Request letter from Lt. Governor Newsome

2017-9-5 California Red Sea Urchin Fishery Resource Disaster and Commercial Fishery Failure Request letter from Lt. Governor Newsome

Senator McGuire and Assemblymember Wood Letter to Governor Brown Requesting Fishery Failure Declaration for California Sardine and Sea Urchin Fisheries

Tracking crabs near the mouth of the Columbia River

Biologists Watch Steelhead Return After Historic Dam Removal

Wood in the river? Leave it there, local biologist says

To Restore Salmon, Think Like a Beaver

Farmed abalone emerges as a local, sustainable seafood choice

The Value of a California Salmon

Physically grueling yet critical: snorkel surveys provide valuable information for restoring Chinook salmon, steelhead in Central Valley

A salmon festival portends struggles on the Klamath River

Pelagic survey highlights NOAA's growing collaborative relationship with industry 

States restrict chinook fisheries

Senator McGuire's Salmon Restoration and Protection Resolution passes in the Senate

Zinke: US marine monuments will remain, but fishing rights may be restored 

King salmon becomes a luxury product as catch proves elusive

What causes algal blooms to become toxic?

California storms help salmon by reviving habitat

West Coast Crab Management Bill into Law (tri-state agreement) 

San Diego’s Fishermen Brace for Waterfront Redevelopment

Salmon season flops: Drought years cut North Coast salmon population

Reclamation moves forward on fish passage project in Yolo Bypass

Oroville Dam: Relicensing saga holds up habitat restoration

One Fish, Two Fish - Ancient DNA and new technology help rewrite the life story of spring Chinook

Karuk Tribe seeks to list Klamath River salmon as endangered

New genetic evidence could have major implications in the fight to save spring-run Chinook

Fall Chinook Season Closed on Klamath and Trinity Rivers

Damaged river ecosystems could use a whole lot more dead fish

Salmon returns to festival — but it’s Alaskan

Feather River gets new gravel for spawning salmon

A Trip Down The Feather River Shows Impacts Of Oroville Spillway Failure

A Tiny Fraction of Oceans Could Satisfy The World's Fish Demand

US Senate committee rejects most of Trump's proposed cuts to NOAA 

AquaBounty sells first batch of genetically engineered salmon 

Senate passes bi-partisan bill to protect crab fishing industry

Congress considers millions in West Coast fishery disaster relief funds

Fish or Cut Bait - Trump administration leaves California fishermen waiting for federal relief

Commercial salmon season finally arrives in the Bay Area

Uncertain salmon season launches in Bodega Bay

Short salmon season kicks off

Abbreviated Commercial Salmon Season to Begin Tuesday

Bay Area salmon fishermen frustrated by California regulations, happy to begin 2017 season

Droughts Leave California Fishermen Reeling

As Salmon Season Opens, A Reminder Of Drought's Lasting Effects

Global impacts of trawling quantified in new study 

True Worlds Group fined for selling skate fins in violation of California law 

Coast Seafoods proposes downsizing shellfish operations

Extinction Possible as Salmon Runs Hit Near-Record Lows 

Klamath Salmon hit 2nd lowest recorded population size in 20 years

Trump, House split on proposal to eliminate salmon restoration funding

Americans Need to Know U.S. Fisheries are Sustainable: Former Senior NOAA Official

Water Wars Loom As State Plans to Boost Streamflow for Imperiled Fish

Rescuers will try to free humpback entangled in fishing gear

CDFW Marine Region - 2016 Year in Review

Conservation group sues to uphold whale, turtle protections

Kilmer, Herrera Beutler add funding for fishery disasters to key Appropriations Bill

An upstream battle - Sale of century-old hydroelectric system poses threat to Butte Creek’s salmon

State agency discusses its role in Klamath dam removal decision

Coast Seafoods plans to stay; working on permit extensions

Genetically engineered salmon is coming to America

Scientists struggle to revive Southern California’s white abalone population

Winnemem Wintu Work to Bring Salmon Home From New Zealand

Proposed wind farm off the coast could generate 1,000 megawatts

Coast Seafoods Company gone by August?

North Coast seasonal crab haul above average

California Dungeness crab fleet nets $68 million haul, but small boats continue to struggle

Dungeness crab industry bounces back with strong season

How climate change could threaten the water supply for millions of Californians

A leap in lampreys: Unlovely fish make welcome comeback

Looks are deceiving for 'scary-looking' lamprey

Will they go the way of the buffalo? Vanishing salmon could doom tribes’ culture

Survey for anyone, anywhere affected by the 2015 Harmful Algal Bloom event

Readying California Fisheries for Climate Change - for Full report and Executive Summary

Chinook salmon will become extinct if Californians don’t take these steps

The Eel River could save wild salmon – if we can save the river itself

2017-6-14 Senator McGuire and Assemblymember Wood continue fight for salmon, and fishing fleet

Senate aims for salmon disaster relief

Lawmakers push to alleviate devastating salmon losses

Wood, McGuire introduce resolution urging federal disaster assistance for salmon fleet

Some say Oroville Dam crisis trashed the Feather River. Is the state responsible?

West Coast Senators Add Voices To Request For Salmon Disaster Declaration and 2017-9-6 letter

White sharks rebound in California

Crews recognized for creative engineering to save salmon

Along the North Coast, mixed news about the health of the undersea kelp forest    

(Fisheries) Work will change the way water flows through park

Overfished status predicted for Klamath

Cali Dungeness industry ‘still hurting’ despite improvements

Research paper IDs cause of 2015 toxic algal bloom in Monterey Bay

Squaring off over selling directly from boats at Fisherman’s Wharf

Sacramento Valley Salmon Resiliency Strategy - June 2017, California Natural Resources Agency - Report

Fish wrap: Fort Baker strategy has potential to help salmon

Communities work together to end whale entanglement

Klamath River Emergency Dilution Flows Not Required in 2017

Here's why we should think about protecting California fish

California, Oregon governors request salmon disaster declaration - for more info on federal salmon disaster relief (scroll down for disaster info)

West Coast salmon fishery in state of disaster

Grim future seen for Klamath chinook

Where have all the salmon gone? State committee discusses impacts of low runs

Decimated by drought, salmon fishing teeters on the brink in California

Hearing to examine fishery collapse

A bleak salmon season for local fishermen

Following a wet winter, Napa River fish trap yields high salmon count

Fish and Wildlife Director Extends Commercial Rock Crab Fishery Closure in Northern California Due to Public Health Hazard

“State of Salmonids II” report released by CalTrout and UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences

Crab fishing organization says state commissions unfairly changed policy on crabbing season

The Klamath River Renewal Corporation Announces New Executive Director

Killer whales ambushing gray whales off California coast

Visiting scientist: Should we let rivers run free?

State lowers fish-kill estimates from Oroville hatchery

Hatchery mishap kills 300,000 baby salmon. What will this mean for California fishermen?

Plans being hatched to restore fisheries

With no relief funds in sight, crab fishermen discuss next steps

Pump Failure Kills Fall-Run Chinook Salmon at Feather River Fish Hatchery – Thermalito Facility

State decides against salmon release in Bodega Bay

These fish are in a bad way.’ How many more will die because of the Delta tunnels?

California Commercial Fishing Digest Now Available Online - DFW release

North Coast lawmakers urge Brown to declare statewide salmon disaster

Relief bills seek $140 million aid for California crab and salmon fishery disasters

Bills seek to provide $140M to fishing fleets

2016 Annual Report to Congress: Status of Stocks 2016 - NOAA Fisheries

Sharks Are Dying By the Hundreds in San Francisco Bay

No fishery disaster relief funds in Congress’ $1T spending bill

Fishing boat in Sausalito used to save California salmon population

Salmon recovery effort takes root in Redding

‘Living river’ rejuvenates Napa, brings needed flood control

FERC requests more information on Klamath dam request

Fish sold right from the boat: The old ways resurface

General Trout Season Opens April 29

Cosumnes River Provides Model for Floodplain Restoration in California

Close to Home: How local salmon are tied to Central Valley flood decisions

California tribes fear abysmal salmon run may trigger public health crisis

Low Salmon Projections Lead to Fisheries Restrictions, Some Closures in 2017

HSU, fishing industries to create plan to bolster the local waterfront economy

Young Unveils Young Fishermen’s Development Act - Bill Creates National Grant Program to Support Next Generation of Nation’s Fishermen

West Coast Salmon Season Dates Set for 2017

Fishery Managers Close 200 Miles Of West Coast To Salmon Fishing

Sardines off the menu again for West Coast fishers

Council Votes to Close Pacific Sardine Fishery for Third Year in a Row

‘A cultural tragedy’: Karuk Tribe cuts salmon harvest to 200 fish

California likely to shorten chinook salmon season

Public Meetings, Webinar Set for Artificial Reefs in California - CDFW release

Bleak salmon season awaits commercial fleet as Bodega Bay Fishermen’s Festival returns

The ‘last generation of salmon fishermen’?

State panel may make river fishing closure permanent

Where Levees Fail In California, Nature Can Step In To Nurture Rivers

Fallen trees in Sonoma County creeks add to salmon habitat

Unprecedented delay in California abalone season shuts down North Coast in April

CDFW Seeks Public Input to Study Abalone Management Preferences

Can’t crabbers catch a break?

Letter calls for approval of fishery disaster funds

Yurok Tribe cancels salmon season

2017 ocean salmon fishing closed

Legislators, fishermen discuss future of state fisheries

2016 West Coast Entanglement Summary

Yurok Tribe Warns of ‘Most Catastrophic Fisheries Collapse in Klamath River History’

Salmon release to San Joaquin River hits high marks

Anomalous ocean conditions in 2015 may bode poorly for juvenile Chinook salmon survival

2017 CDFW Aquaculture Report to the Legislature

CDFW Releases First Million of Evacuated Fish into Feather River

Dropping river level strands hundreds of fish

With Some Chinook in Trouble, California Faces ‘a Pathetic Scrap’ of a Salmon Season

Innovation in Swordfish Fishery Fetches a Higher Market Price

2017 ocean salmon fishing closed (in Northern CA) - PFMC projects lowest spawning returns on record for Klamath River

Another Yolo Bypass fish rescue underway. Will it be the last?

Pacific Fishery Management Council Chooses Options for 2017 Salmon Season - very grim for CA

End of drought not all good for Bay Area oyster farms

River flow debate has turned on how best to help fish

Low Numbers of Sacramento and Klamath River Salmon Point to Poor Season

Worst salmon season in eight years projected in California

Despite Rain, Salmon Season Still Left Reeling By California’s Drought

Endangered steelhead spotted in local creek

2017 NOAA Sea Grant National Aquaculture Initiative - competitive funding opportunity

Riverbanks collapse after Oroville Dam spillway shut off - salmon and steelhead stranded

2017 Salmon Forecasts Point to Reduced Fishing Opportunities

Returning Salmon Numbers Looking Meager For Oregon, Northern California

Harbor district OKs shellfish farm expansion

Of sky rivers and coho salmon

This Year's Floods May Be Good for California's Salmon

Federal judge orders agencies to create new flow plan to protect Klamath River fish

Court supports order to divert water to support salmon (Klamath/Trinity River)

Nutrient Approval a Victory for U.S. Fish Farmers and Seafood Lovers

CDFW to Host Public Meeting on Ocean Salmon Fisheries

‘We could not be idle while our fish were again under siege’

Downstream from the stricken Oroville Dam, the Feather River Fish Hatchery manages to save millions of fish

Endangered Fish Among the Evacuees of Oroville Dam Crisis

After frantic night, officials say Lake Oroville may not top emergency spillway - race to rescue salmon

Court orders extra (Klamath River) water to protect salmon

Reclamation to Release Water Below Iron Gate Dam to Address Fish Health Concerns in the Klamath River

Can the U.S. have its fish and eat it too?

California Sea Grant Call for Preliminary Proposals 2018 for Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Resilient Coastal Communities and Economies

CDFW Now Accepting Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project Proposals and public workshops to assist applicants in understanding the requirements of the PSN

Threatened salmon a concern as PG&E plans to pull plug on Butte Creek hydro project

California’s Drought Continues to Harm Native Tribes and Fishermen

CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Sport-Harvested Bivalve Shellfish from Mendocino County

Crab and Yurok salmon seasons among several named in emergency declaration

Huffman works with Yurok Tribe on funding for fisheries disaster

Judge set to order feds, tribes to work together on new Klamath River flow plan

Recreational Razor Clam Fishery Closure in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Extended Due to Ongoing Public Health Concerns

Big Rains Bring Both Good and Bad News for Salmon

Endangered chinook salmon return to Marsh Creek after decades

The effects of water project operations on juvenile salmon survival in the Delta

Harbor District rejects Coast Seafoods oyster farming expansion

Commerce Secretary declares fisheries disasters for nine West Coast species (including CA Dungeness and rock crab)

Last year’s North Coast crab season officially a disaster

Ocean Acidification to Hit West Coast Dungeness Crab Fishery, New Assessment Shows

Washington State’s New Report Shows Salmon Still Declining “Salmon are ours to save,” says Governor

North Coast Abalone Season Dates, Regulations Change

NOAA Plans to Open Federal Waters in Pacific to Fish Farming

600,000 fish ready for rain in the Sacramento River

Record numbers of salmon are spawning in Putah Creek

Abalone restoration efforts in coastal waters could use the public’s help, say scientists

2017 Studies and Reports

Rights-based management for recreational for-hire fisheries: Evidence from a policy trial

Influence of Landing Net Mesh Type on Handling Time and Tissue Damage of Angled Brook Trout

Science Advancements Key to Increasing Management Value of Life Stage Monitoring Networks for Endangered Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon in California

Floods are necessary for maintaining healthy river ecosystems, research shows

Study: Marine mammals, not fishing, reducing endangered orcas' food supply

NOAA - Fisheries of the United States, 2016 (Report)

A Changing Undersea Forest - baseline highlights from North Coast kelp and rocky reef monitoring

Science Advancements Key to Increasing Management Value of Life Stage Monitoring Networks for Endangered Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon in California 

High mortality of blue, humpback and fin whales from modeling of vessel collisions on the U.S. West Coast suggests population impacts and insufficient protection

Vessel Speed Reduction, Air Pollution, and Whale Strike Tradeoffs in the Santa Barbara Channel Region

Marine reserves a solution to bycatch problem in oceans

The evolutionary basis of premature migration in Pacific salmon highlights the utility of genomics for informing conservation

New research reveals ecosystem cascades affecting salmon

Can the United States have its fish and eat it too?

Bottom-trawling techniques leave different traces on the seabed

Steelhead trout population declines linked with poor survival of young fish in the ocean

Readying California Fisheries for Climate Change - for Full report and Executive Summary

The Impact of Different Hatchery Rearing Environments on Smolt-to-Adult Survival of Spring Chinook Salmon

Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2015 - NOAA Fisheries

Mini-Magnets: Study Says Fish Homing Skills Based On Iron Possibly Connected With Eyes

When does fishing forage species affect their predators?

UW Study Says Diversification (Catching A Variety Of Species) Key To Resilient Fishing Communities

Drought and Equity in California - Pacific Institute January 9, 2017

Addressing Mercury in California's Waters - SWRCB web site and studies on mercury

Study examines ocean acidification effects on rockfish, a key California marine prey base

Wastewater treatment upgrades result in major reduction of intersex fish

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Report to the International Pacific Halibut Commission on 2016 California Fisheries

2016 and Earlier News

For information on Dungeness and rock crab, domoic acid, disaster relief and the Committee's previous crab hearings with related documents and links

Expected Friday rains will boost Marin’s coho

Ninth Circuit Favors Feds in California Water Fight

California now must take the lead on environmental protections for salmon

Non-Californians lose commercial fishing license case

Growth in global fish production slows, aquaculture increases

Abalone divers, state agency at odds over proposed restrictions

In California, Squid Is Big Business. But Good Luck Eating Local Calamari

NOAA fishing head: Science, bycatch likely to remain focus under Trump adminstration

To save SF Bay and its dying Delta, state aims to re-plumb California

Will Klamath River Salmon Thrive Again After Dams Are Gone?

Close to Home: Salmon need their fair share of water

Fear for endangered winter-run salmon cools slightly

Chinook salmon spawning season improves

Groundfish plan is crucial to Fort Bragg’s economic future

Dungeness crab commercial season cleared to start next week

As Fresh As It Gets: A Fish Market Run by Local Fishermen

Wrong turn steers Chinook salmon into TID main canal

Pescadero: More steelhead deaths frustrate residents

New virus infected brains of last year’s Eel River salmon run

New $12 million Russian River fish ladder offers glimpse of salmon recovery efforts

Recreational Dungeness Crab Season to Open Statewide Nov. 5 - DFW release 11-2-2016

New Recreational Dungeness Crab Trap Regulations in Place

CDPH Warns Recreational Anglers to Avoid Consuming the Viscera of Dungeness Crab Caught North of Point Reyes - CDPH release 11-2-2016

CDPH Lifts Warning for Rock Crabs, Bivalve Shellfish Caught along Central Coast - CDPH release 10-26-2016

Seafood's new normal - California's coastal ecosystem — and the fisheries that depend on it — are in the grip of a huge disruption

Why It’s Harder Than You’d Think to Serve Local Seafood in California

Hey, Looks Like Americans Are Finally Eating More Fish

Obama charting course on Pacific fish farming

Removal of Klamath Dams Would Be Largest River Restoration in U.S. History

To Protect Native Culture, Bring Back the Salmon

San Diego’s Commercial Fishing Industry Skeptical Of Massive Port Makeover

Pinole Creek fix frees steelheed to reach spawning grounds

More Pacific hatchery salmon could receive protections

Regulators propose leaving more water in California’s rivers

Salmon Still Under Threat Due to Mechanical Issues at Shasta Dam

California Dungeness Crab Fishing - 2016-17 Best Practices Guide to Minimize Whale Entanglement Risk

New grants seek solutions to West Coast whale entanglements

Scientists, fishermen fight to save leatherback sea turtles

Project underway to prevent straying of adult Sacramento River salmon

Matilija Dam one step closer to coming down

CDFW to Host Public Hearing on New Regulations for Unmanaged Forage Fish

New Recreational Dungeness Crab Regulations Aim to Reduce “Ghost Fishing” and More

Napa fish montoring shows mixed results for salmon, trout

Nature: Sonoma County beavers are watershed heroes

Studies focus on acidic ocean impact on Dungeness crabs

California is cracking down to prevent illegal fishing off the coast

‘Milestone’ moment: Klamath River dam removal plan submitted to feds

California Department of Public Health Domoic Acid Monitoring for the 2016-17 California Spiny Lobster Season

An era of limits: California proposes steering more water to fish, less to farms, cities

Bathrobe biologists can study Sacramento Valley salmon from home

California's native salmon struggling in 5th year of drought

Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River; Environmental Documents Released

Feds, tribes react to Trinity water releases

Second Klamath Salmon Fishing Quota Met; Catch Now Subject to Size Restriction

Outbreak of ich on Klamath

Deadly gill parasite detected on Klamath River salmon

Spring-run salmon getting new route around waterfall

Feds to take new look at Delta, endangered fish species

Harmful Algae, Spotted Alaska, It is intoxicate Marina Mammals

Salmon River spring-run Chinook survey shows half of average run size

Feds sued over Klamath River salmon parasite outbreaks

After the dams come down: Klamath Basin stakeholders seek to resurrect water sharing agreements

Low flows, low run expected for Klamath River salmon this fall

North Coast kelp beds ‘like a desert’ this year

Black Market Caviar Threatens California's Giant Fish

Humpback, blue whales storm Monterey Bay

Dam removal plan to feds by end of 2016?

Saving Fish By Farming Them

‘Condor Time’ for Central California Coast Coho Salmon

Dam good! Beavers may restore imperiled streams, fish populations

U.S. Commerce Department announces 2016 regional fishery council appointments

Yurok, Karuk tribes threaten feds with lawsuit over Klamath salmon

20,000 salmon fingerlings released into local creeks

Fish update: Threatened spring-run chinook are ready to be counted

How plans to save fish species could cut summer water supply

Spiny lobster and squid lead California's fishing economy, says new report

Understanding predation impacts on Delta native fishes

Salmon, facing trouble in streams, catch a ride to the Pacific

Hoopa tribe to sue feds over Klamath River salmon protection

Monterey squid season basically a bust

Should California's striped bass be vilified as native-fish killers?

Fishermen fly in search of entanglements

CDFW Rescue Efforts Save Listed Salmon, Steelhead and Sturgeon

Annual Quarantine of Sport-Harvested Mussels in California Begins May 1

Marin group’s bill to phase out gill nets moves forward in Legislature

Increased pulse flows for fish begin on Stanislaus River

Salmon Seasons Set for Ocean and Inland Waters - DFW release

Trinidad crab tests to determine commercial opener

Razor Clam Fishery Closed

Possible Recreational Razor Clam Closure in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

CDPH Reminds of Warning on Razor Clams from Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

West Coast fisheries are at risk as climate change disturbs the ocean's chemistry

PFMC Announces 2016 Salmon Seasons

Sardine numbers remain low, 2016 fishing remains closed

California salmon season cuts planned to protect struggling fish

Millions Of Chinook Salmon Released Into Northern California Waterways

'Until the sun sets' - The Klamath River's new path towards dam removal

This Will Be the Biggest Dam-Removal Project in History

Wild and harnessed, Eel River a vital, troubled North Coast watershed

Two New Klamath Basin Agreements Carve Out Path for Dam Removal and Provide Key Benefits to Irrigators

Deal set to raze 4 dams on Klamath

Dam removal announcement: 'Implications all over the world'

Dam removal deal signed by top federal, state officials

Small Fish Eaten by Bigger Species Protected on West Coast

"Perfect Storm" Decimates Northern California Kelp Forests

NOAA's Fishery Finance Program receives $100 million - now accepting loan applications

Commercial fishers need water for their 'crops', too

South Bay lawmaker will introduce bill to phase out controversial drift gill nets

Salmon Outlook: Less Fish, Less Fishing

Sacramento River Closure to Go Into Effect April 1 - DFW release

Community Supported Fisheries: A better way to buy fish?

Recreational Ocean Salmon Season to Open South of Horse Mountain on April 2

Proponents say new Klamath dam pact is legal, beneficial

March storm brightens future of winter-run Chinook salmon

Troubled Waters: California salmon season facing big restrictions

Salmon season faces significant cuts

San Francisco Bay Commercial Herring Season Closes Today

Crescent City Harbor: Rebuilt port can weather similar events

"We're Trying to Save a Run of Fish" - US Fish and Wildlife Try to Improve Genetic Stock of Chinook Salmon

Pulling pots - for a different reason

Bill aims to give crab industry $138 million in disaster relief

Nonprofit created to take hold of Klamath dams targeted for removal

Public meeting on new Klamath agreement set in Sacramento

Lessons for California as a dam falls and a river moves

Dwindling salmon put fishing season in peril

Sacramento and Klamath River salmon ocean abundance forecasts are down in 2016

Forecasters predict tepid salmon season off North Coast

Anglers, Management Agencies Grapple with Poor 2016 Salmon Forecasts

Devastated salmon population likely to result in fishing restrictions

Anglers brace for restrictions in 2016 salmon season

Herring Headache: The Big Obstacles to Eating Small Fish In California

The wild, wild West Coast

Endangered fish released into Sacramento River

Disappearance of California's Wild Salmon Threatens State's Ecosystems

CDFW to Host Public Meetings on Ocean Salmon Fisheries

Nominations Sought For Recreational Abalone Advisory Committee

Parties Agree to New Path to Advance Klamath Agreement

Klamath River Agreement in Principle

Northern California salmon run devastated, again, by drought

Feds: Winter salmon run nearly extinguished in California drought

FDA bans imports of genetically engineered salmon - for now

Funding Now Available for Fisheries Restoration Projects in Central Valley

Halibut Commission Announces 2016 Catch Limits and Seasons

San Francisco Bay Pacific Herring update 1-28-2016

Aquaculture: the next great Monterey County frontier?

Land-based salmon farm on Vancouver Island nears economic viability

Public Meeting to be Held on Proposed Closure of Part of Sacramento River

Public at Arcata meeting unified in desire for Klamath dam removal

PacifiCorps Pursues Dam Removal After Collapse of Klamath Legislation

River Activists and Tribes Prepare for Water Board Public Hearings in Orleans, Arcata and Yreka

Marin rain boosts reservoirs and fish population

To Save Its Salmon, California Calls in the Fish Matchmaker

HSU studies to examine how Eel River dams impact salmon

NOAA Expands Opportunities for U.S. Aquaculture

Marin coho returned to Muir Woods creek after protective hiatus at hatchery

Demise of Klamath River deal may re-kindle old water-use battles

CDFW to Hold Public Meeting on Klamath River Sport Fishery

U.S. tuna fishing fleet to be shut out of vast area of Pacific Ocean in fee dispute

Coho salmon benefit from dam removal on San Mateo County coastal creek

Rain-driven salmon run in Marin brings hope, but coho still hurting

Sidetracked salmon rescued, released into Sacramento River

American River Steelhead Numbers Rebound From Last Season

Flowing again, Russian River's creeks open for spawning coho

Salmon runs stronger than expected on many rivers despite drought

California drought regulators back off controversial salmon-rescue plan

State sets minimum lake levels in attempt to save salmon

Conserving Chinook salmon at the southern end of their range: Challenges and opportunities

Salmon thrive in some places like Stanislaus River, struggle in others

How a stunning Klamath Basin water agreement has been doomed by lawmakers

Klamath Basin water accords crumble as Congress fails to act

Whales entangled at an alarming rate along California coast

Ocean acidification poses a threat to world's oceans

Draft 2015 Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas Now Available Online

California mulls new plan to save imperiled salmon

Egg injection may be a tool of the future for saving salmon

Putah Creek as a salmon stream? Believe it

Draft 2015 Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas Now Available Online

Salmon RIP?

Klamath dam removal efforts to continue if historic agreements fail

Marin coastal waters under review as part of state program

Eel River flows still too low in peak salmon spawning period

El Nino Impacts on Northern California Fishing

Projects stall after feds allow fish farming in open ocean

El Nino pushes California's calamari landings down

Celebrating World Fisheries Day

Calif. Drought Adds To The Perils Of Endangered Chinook Salmon

CDPH letter to Commercial Fisherman of Santa Barbara - 11-18-2015

Genetically Engineered Salmon Approved for Consumption

If the GMO salmon is as good as its' maker says, why not label it?

Marin congressman calls SF State 'conniving' as talks fail on Tiburon salmon program

CDFW to Host Public Meetings Regarding Groundfish Management for 2017-2018

Speaker Atkins' Pacific to Plate Bill Signed by Governor

Ocean activists fishers and scientists differ on heavy anchovy declines

D.B. Pleschner: Anchovy collapse simply a manufactured "crisis"

Concern over anchovy numbers prompt plan for new stock assessment

Salmon on a Record Run to Nowhere

Possible Delay of Nov. 7, 2015 Recreational Dungeness Crab Season Opener

Crab toxicity levels still unsafe: state to vet fishing season delays

Toxic algae bloom could postpone Northern California crab season opener

Klamath Basin Water Deal Clicks Toward December Deadline

Big Trouble Looms For California Salmon - And For Fishermen

Sturgeon Tag Find Brings NOAA Scientists to California School

Feds: Winter salmon run nearly extinguished in California drought

Drought-driven salmon deaths could have far-reaching impact

Sport-harvested Mussel Quarantine Lifted along Parts of the California Coast

Nimbus Hatchery Fish Ladder to Open Nov. 2

CDFW Simplifies Steelhead Report and Restoration Card

Pacific Fisheries Management Council Newsletter

NOAA FishWatch goes mobile - Data Base for Fish and Sustainable Seafood

Endangered fish find unusual ally in rice farmers

Fish Habitat: Open Stream

DCTF Meeting Agenda for Oct. 26-27, 2015

Whale Entanglement - Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group - Final Recommendations 10-8-2015

Whale Entanglement - Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group - Meeting Summary 9-21-2015

Quarantined Shasta County Hatchery to Reopen

NOAA Funding to Predict Ocean Acidification Impacts

U.S. House Approves Jaime Herrera Beutler’s West Coast Crab Management Bill

Toxic road runoff kills adult coho salmon in hours, study finds

Scientists Try Radical Move To Save Bull Trout From A Warming Climate

Dying for abalone: Thrills and perils of diving for the slimy delicacy

Tribe files dam lawsuit amicus - Yuroks join Hoopa Valley effort against Klamath dams

National Seafood Month 2015 - A Message from NMFS

Landowners, Grape Growers, Government and Others Partner to Protect Juvenile Coho

Hey waiter, this fish tastes like plastic!

Klamath River fish health improves after flow increase

Salmon to swim above Shasta Dam for first time in nearly 80 years

More Salmon Headed Our Way thanks to Salmon Stamp Fund, GGSA Legislative Efforts

Aquaculture Awareness Week: 10 Facts About California Aquaculture

Meager salmon catch one of worst seasons for Sonoma County fishermen

California Whale Entanglement Discussion – August 20, 2015 - Summary of Key Themes

Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River

More than 155,000 trout die at American River Hatchery

Conservationist Zeke Grader, advocate for fish, dies

Feds scramble to avoid another mass salmon die-off in the Sacramento River

Whale Entanglement Workshop Aug. 20, 2015 - presentations link

From Dock to Dish: A New Model Connects Chefs to Local Fishermen

LA Chef Supplier Captain Ben, Wild Local Seafood Co & Seafood Issues – Part 2

Huge Fish Farm Planned in San Diego Aims to Fix Seafood Imbalance

NMFS Podcast: Fisheries in a Changing Climate

CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Bivalve Shellfish Caught in Humboldt or Del Norte Counties

Judge O'Neill's order denying a request for an temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against the higher flow releases from Trinity Reservoir

The drought's hidden victim: California's native fish

DCTF Executive Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Agenda posted

Pacific Fishery Management Council to Consider Swordfish Fishery Management and Other Matters Affecting West Coast Fisheries

Oyster farmers worried as climate change lowers ocean pH

Whale Entanglement Discussion Set for August 20

Researchers Borrow Investment Strategy to Save Salmon Stock

NMFS video: Protecting Salmon During the Drought

California Whale Entanglement Discussion

2016 and Earlier Studies and Reports

FY 2016 Investigational Report: Myxosporean Parasite (Ceratonova shasta and Parvicapsula minibicornis) Prevalence of Infection in Klamath River Basin Juvenile Chinook Salmon, March – August 2016 - (Klamath Fish Health)

Investing in fisheries management improves fish populations

Should you worry about mercury in seafood? What you need to know

Scientists Improve Predictions of How Temperature Affects the Survival of Fish Embryos - Sacramento River salmon study by NOAA

Happy salmon swim better

Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas - Final August 2016

California Fish and Game Commission transmittal letter for final 2016 Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas

Statewide Advisory for Eating Fish from California Coastal Locations without Site-Specific Advice

Framing the Scientific Opportunities on Harmful Algal Blooms and California Fisheries: Scientific Insights, Recommendations and Guidance for California

2015 CalTrans Fish Passage Annual Report to the California State Legislature and transmittal letter

Fisheries of the United States, 2015 - NOAA fishery statistics for the United States

NOAA - Commercial Fishery Statistics - Infographics

When algae turn toxic- Understanding the causes of harmful algal blooms can help us predict future events

Toxins from freshwater algae found in San Francisco Bay shellfish

2016-17 recommendations and next steps to reduce the risk of whale entanglements in
Dungeness crab fishing gear

California Dungeness Crab Fishing - 2016-17 Best Practices Guide to Minimize Whale Entanglement Risk

As Commercial Crab Season Opens, Fishermen Urged to Implement Gear Modifications to Prevent Whale Entanglements

Whale Entanglement Response Training – On the Cutting Edge

SF Bay Freshwater-Starved Estuary

2016 Klamath River Juvenile Chinook Salmon Health Monitoring, Ceratonova shasta and Parvicapsula minibicornis Prevalence Data

Status and trends of dam removal research in the United States

Understanding the economic value of angling on Clear Lake – A profile of a famous Lake

Reclamation Releases Draft Environmental Document to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River with Trinity Reservoir Water

Watershed Degradation Costs Global Cities $5.4 Billion in Water Treatment Annually

First evidence of ocean acidification's impact on reproductive behavior in wild fish

Beaver in California - Creating a Culture of Stewardship

Upper Eel River Temperature Monitoring Virtual Tour

Falling fish catches could mean malnutrition in the developing world

Study finds native Olympia oysters more resilient to ocean acidification

A Practitioner's Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California

Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2014

California Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan - Final April 2016

2015-16 Herring Season Overview

Shellfish response to ocean acidification may vary depending on other stressors

State Releases Summary Report on Refugio Oil Spill

West Coast scientists urge immediate action to combat ocean acidification  

              - report summary

              - full report

What lies behind the dam? In some cases, self-sustaining salmon

A single generation of domestication heritably alters the expression of hundreds of genes

Salmon carcasses influence genetic linkages between forests and streams

Successful Salmon Homing Requires Both Olfactory Imprinting, Geomagnetic Navigation

OSU/NOAA study: Warm-water years are tough on juvenile salmon

The more humanely a fish is killed, the better it tastes

Length and Condition of Wild Chinook Salmon Smolts Influence Age at Maturity

NMFS Fisheries of the United States, 2014

CDFW Steelhead Report and Restoration Card Program 2006-11 (2015)

Baseline Monitoring of Northern California's Marine Protected Areas - A Status Report

Coho salmon spawner mortality in western U.S.. urban watersheds: biofiltration prevents lethal stormwater impacts

Report of the NMFS/PFMC workshop on Pacific Sardine Distribution

NMFS Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan - Press Release and links

Public Draft - NMFS Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan - published Federal Register

DFW Progress Report to the F&G Commission - Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon 2004-2012

DFW Final 2014 Commercial Landings and CPFV Reports

Draft NMFS FY 2016-2020 Strategic Plan for Marine Aquaculture